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此列表并不十分详尽。This list is not exhaustive.

上面的列表并不够详尽。The above list is hardly exhaustive.

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它不会是一个详细的建议清单。It’s not an exhaustive list of ideas.

详尽的线路导游图文字说明。Exhaustive circuit tourist map explanatory note.

提供详尽、准确的个人资料。Offer exhaustive and veracious information of individual.

而且经过我详尽的研究,你也不用担心你的问题了。乔治娜?。And, uh, based on my exhaustive research, So are you. Georgina?

大公司里的成本预算是一个非常详尽的流程。Cost budgeting in a large company is a much more exhaustive process.

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他说,司法部过去对这些材料的调查已经很详尽了。He said past Justice Department probes of the material were exhaustive.

它不执行彻底的检查以验证这个标识是否真的存在。It does not perform an exhaustive check to see if the ID really exists.

本文提出了一种适合可编程序逻辑阵列的伪穷举测试方法。A pseudo exhaustive easily testable PLA scheme is proposed in this paper.

同时利用穷举法对配煤进行优化选取。At the same time, the use of coal exhaustive method to optimize selection.

通过穷举计算,我们观察到了这种折叠行为。By exhaustive enumeration, we get the prion-like behavior of protein folding.

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即使这麽长的清单也没有列全,其雄心可见一斑。Even this lengthy list is not exhaustive. The ambition is clearly remarkable.

示例文件夹中提供了一个详尽的示例程序列表。There is an exhaustive list of sample programs provided in the samples folders.

我们当然不应该期望另一种事件流是无移漏的。We should certainly not expect the alternative flow of events to be exhaustive.

双方可先派入接触,充分交换意见。The two sides may first send people to meet for an exhaustive exchange of views.

彻底筛查需要人力和物力资源的大量投资。Exhaustive screenings require a major investment in human and material resources.

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介绍了一种基于穷举法的高光谱遥感图像地物识别方法。A new approach for object identification based on the exhaustive method is proposed.

这里提到的都是最常见的因素,本文不可能事无巨细地将所有因素列出。The ones mentioned here are the most common ones and by no means form an exhaustive list.

这样高的生产值自然会耗尽美国较佳的铁砂。Naturally these high rates of production were exhaustive of America's better ore supplies.