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我的预算是多少?What is my budget?

你们就是我的经费。You are my budget.

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美国空间规划“打乱”US space budget a “mess”

您需要为它做出预算。Budget for it. Demand it.

国会大刀阔斧地削减预算。Congress axed the budget.

我给了他一个大约的预算。I gave him a rough budget.

这是一个不错的预算法。This is a good budget idea.

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预算应该是怎样的?What should be your budget?

以上就是米里哀先生的预算表。Such was M. Myriel's budget.

2011年财政预算,束手束脚。Budget 2011, No wriggle room.

定一个每日或每周预算。Fix a daily or weekly budget.

汽车租赁代码表。Costa Calma Budget Car Rental.

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怎么召开预算编制会议?How to organize Budget meeting?

贵厂的预算研发费用有多少?What's your budget for R and D?

你必须每个月做一次预算。You must have a monthly budget.

国会批准了国家预算。The congress approved the budget.

预算案中包含8570项专项拨款。The budget contains 8,570 of them.

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可是府库里没有这笔经费。However, there is no budget for it.

我的招待费预算是多少?How much is my entertainment budget?

所以这份预算书看来是非常非常的不错。And this budget looks very, very good.