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这是不平衡的。It is not balanced.

愿我成就舍心。May I gain a balanced mind.

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宇宙是平衡的。I. The universe is balanced.

这个过程中预算必须是平衡的。The process has to be balanced.

她用单脚保持身体平衡。She balanced herself on one leg.

酸度平衡带出木味。Balanced acidity with oaky flavors.

用赏心乐事来弥补厌倦。Weariness was balanced with delight.

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这是日常平衡膳食的一部分。It's a part of a daily balanced diet.

盈利被亏损抵销了。The gains are balanced by the losses.

女人则对此更慎重权衡。women give a more balanced weighting.

我认为我们需要一个折衷方案。I believe we need a balanced approach.

红黑树可以始终保持平衡。The red-black tree is always balanced.

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显著均衡的3马力主轴电机。Dynamically balanced 3 HP spindle motor.

一顿均衡的饮食就是一手拿一个饼干。A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

营养持衡有利于身体健康。Balanced nutrition is good for our health.

第二二,现实与艺术是“平衡”的关系。Second, actualities and arts are balanced.

海豚用鼻子顶着球,使其保持平衡。The dolphin balanced the ball on its nose.

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此酒因烤面包的香气使风味更为均衡。The wine is balanced with flavors of toast.

你应该保持心态平衡。You ought to have a balanced state of mind.

留意合理的平衡饮食,要多吃生果和少吃肉!Pay a attention to a rational balanced diet.