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医生阿尼尔k罗伊,纳米技术的拥有者。Dr Anil K Roy, owner of Nanotech.

我的名字是阿尼尔,旅行者和旅游爱好者。My name is Anil , a traveler and travel enthusiast.

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阿尼尔是非常正确他对城市的印象。Anil was quite right about his impression of the city.

对于第二个威胁——元数据发布,Anil说Regarding the second threat, Metadata publishing, Anil states

在过去的2星期四,阿尼尔和我交换圣彼得堡和马尼拉虚个员额。For the past 2 Thursdays, Anil and I have exchanged imaginary posts about St.

现在观光导游米丝翠提出,要让猎杀者成为保育者的人数增加。Now a tourist guide, Anil Mistry represents a growing tribe of poachers-turned-protectors.

阿尼尔承认,他从来都不想萨勒曼最喜爱的作曲家塞吉德,瓦基德做音乐“韦埃尔”。Anil admits he never wanted Salman's favourite composers Sajid-Wajid to do the music of "Veer".

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印度亿万富翁阿尼尔•安巴尼在向好莱坞何处投资这事儿上可是毫不含糊。Indian billionaire Anil Ambani doesn’t mess around when deciding where to invest his fortune in Hollywood.

他说,萨勒曼坚持阿尼尔看他的灵感来源,尤伯连纳,托尼柯蒂斯1962年电影“塔拉斯布利巴”。He said Salman insisted that Anil watch his source of inspiration, the Yul Brynner-Tony Curtis 1962 film "Taras Bulba".

来自马里兰大学帕克分校的安尼儿古普塔指出,这些市场都是世界上最麻烦的市场了。Anil Gupta, of the University of Maryland at College Park, points out that these markets are among the toughest in the world.

2006年,北卡罗来纳州达勒姆市杜克大学的阿尼尔·波提、约瑟夫·奈文斯及其同事受到广泛关注。ANIL POTTI, Joseph Nevins and their colleagues at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, garnered widespread attention in 2006.

“这反映了深受挫折的人民对政客的感觉”,民主改革协会国家协调员安利·巴尔瓦表示。“It reflects the frustration people are feeling with the politicians, ” says Anil Bairwal, national coordinator for the Association of Democratic Reforms.

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来自马里兰大学帕克分校的安尼儿古普塔指出,这些市场都是世界上最麻烦的市场了。Anil Gupta, of the University of Maryland at College Park, points out that these markets are among the toughest in the world. Distribution systems can be hopeless.

父亲后来又购置了一座十四层楼的公寓,将之命名为“海风大厦。”Later, he purchased a 14-story apartment buildingnamed Sea Wind, where both Mukesh and Anil have lived with their families ondifferent floors, even during their feud.

虽然阿尼尔?安巴尼和穆凯什?安巴尼兄弟俩更惹争议,但他们把家族企业变成了两家全球大型企业,覆盖了从化学品到娱乐等各种产业。The brothers Anil and Mukesh Ambani are more controversial, but they have turned the family business into two global giants, with interests from chemicals to entertainment.

全力推进旧村改造和新村建设是厦门市翔安区在加快工业化和城市化过程中的重大历史任务。The old village reconstruction anil the new village construction is a significant historic task in the industrialization and the urbanized process of Xiaman Xiang' an District.

高工专培养的应用性人才强调扎实的专业基础和较强的专业技能,同时还必须具备较高的思想品德素质。The cultivation of practical talents in colleges for engineering training emphasizes on solid specialty foundation anil strong practical skills, and ideological and ethical quality.

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梅塔阿尼尔,化学博士后研究员,将一与核磁共振标签肽链端奇尔德斯,工作,然后让他们组装,看看是否会结束互动。Working with Anil Mehta, a chemistry post-doctoral fellow, Childers tagged one end of peptide chains with an NMR label, and then allowed them to assemble to see if the ends would interact.

每个人都应该努力达到每天30分种,每周5天的推荐运动量,加拿大蒙特利尔大学蒙特利尔心脏研究所的安尼尔。尼甘说。Everyone should strive to perform the recommended amount of exercise 30 minutes per day, five days a week, says Anil Nigam of the Montreal Heart Institute at the University of Montreal, Canada.

拉兹丹告诉路透,印度原计划新增发电量6000万千瓦,但印度一直无法向新建的能源工厂调配煤炭。The Indian government has been unable to allocate coal to new power plants that are meant to generate more than 60 gigawatts of additional electricity, Power Secretary Anil Razdan told Reuters.