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艇继续着他们的猎杀势头。The U-boats continued their hunting unabated.

我知道他会希望我们继续作出不懈的努力。I know he would want our work to continue unabated.

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因此,地下水位的下降还没有减弱。Therefore, water-table declines have continued unabated.

让人沮丧的是,血还在继续渗出,丝毫没有减弱。To her dismay, the blood continued to ooze out, unabated.

那个仍是单身的兄弟,将继续他的不良操行。The bad behaviour of his bachelor brother continued unabated.

即使在1972年,公爵过世以后,这份冷漠仍旧没有减退。Even after the Duke died in 1972, the frostiness went on unabated.

适应气候变化本身不能缓解强劲的气候变化。Adaptation alone will not be able to accommodate unabated climate change.

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可能是当做梦时,这些认知过程可以持续不减退。It may be that while dreaming, these cognitive processes can continue unabated.

“然而,这类将土地转给私有或跨国矿业公司的行为却屡禁不止”。Yet such transfers to private and international mining companies continue unabated.

经过了双方电话的沟通,我们有和好如初了!After the telephone communication between the two sides, and we have a good unabated !

开发项目的失败率是众所周知的,并且仍旧没有降低。The failure rates of such development projects are well known, and they continue unabated.

然而,渗透却持续不减,塔利班采用打了就跑得方式攻击外国军队。However, infiltration has continued unabated with many hit-and-run attacks on foreign troops.

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从我们多年的销售经验可以看出这是一个常盛不衰的行业。From our many years of sales experience can see that this is a Sheung Shing unabated industry.

当时金融系统仍步履蹒跚、股市持续下挫、经济领域的坏消息一个接着一个。The financial system continued to totter, stocks were plunging, and bad economic news was unabated.

血流分分秒秒不息,那是一个永远无法结痂的伤口,每每触及,疼依然如初。Blood every minute does not cease, it is a never crusted wound, whenever I touch, pain is still unabated.

通过考验取得武士头衔后,欧比-万的声誉和勇气不见衰退。After passing the trials and achieving Knighthood, Obi-Wan's reputation and valor continued to grow unabated.

科学家们警告道,对不见消停的过度捕捉来说,国际上限制捕捉的努力实在是太单薄了。Scientists warn that overharvesting continues unabated despite feeble international efforts at regulating the catch.

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他们的成功在整个70年代持续不减,与去年和半之久的世界德州游高潮。Their success continued unabated throughout the '70s, culminating with the year-and-a-half-long Worldwide Texas Tour.

而且下半年新楼盘上市量有增无减,因此高档楼盘预销售情况不容乐观。And the second half of the new projects listed in unabated , and therefore not optimistic about the sales of high-grade pre-sale.

孪生兄弟中一旦其中有一个结了婚,他的反社会行为就会迅速减少。那个仍是单身的兄弟,将继续他的不良操行。Once one twin married, his antisocial behaviour tailed off rapidly. The bad behaviour of his bachelor brother continued unabated.