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你干吗噎我?Why are you choking me?

他们现在还没有窒息。They are not choking yet.

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我喝水时几乎被噎住了。When I drink almost choking.

最慢的呛人的美。The slowest choking of beauty.

屋子里满是烟雾,很呛人。The room was full of choking smoke.

是哽咽的苦胆,也是长存的甜蜜。A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.

哎啊!他老是在紧要关头失常。Argh! He's always choking in the clutch.

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有贺以近乎哽咽的声调发出了命令。In a choking voice, Ariga gave the order.

但妈妈却认定奶嘴有让我窒息的危险。But Mom decided soother was a choking hazard.

但我们是否该因噎废食呢?But shall we stop eating for fear of choking?

这将防止哽塞的和可能的死因。This will prevent choking and possible death.

有几十个哽塞的危险,在您的家中。There are dozens of choking hazards in your home.

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吸进气管的食物会造成窒息。Food breathed into the windpipe can cause choking.

有点感到遗憾,但是两人之中,总将有一人被称作败者。It's sad but there will be one being called choking.

包含小部分,可能会导致哽塞的危险。Contains small parts that can cause a choking hazard.

空气中弥漫着刺鼻呛人的硫磺气味。The pungent, choking smell of sulphur filled the air.

一个杀人犯卡住这孩子的脖子把他扼死了。A murderer killed the child by choking the life out of him.

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中国在环境灾害上确实透不过气来。China is literally choking on their environmental disaster.

滚滚浓烟盘旋翻腾,恶臭味呛得她喘不过气来。Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.

人们不会因噎废食。People won't stop eating just because of the risk of choking.