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它看起来就像一块巨大的灰色鹅卵石,带着劈过的痕迹。It looks like a large, chipped grey cobble.

我还是想要凑出一张排名来。Still I managed to cobble a list together.

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鹅卵石路上撒满温热的石头碎片。The warm stones strewed their flakes upon the cobble.

他们不仅是一起出去修理飞机和桥梁。They don't just go out and cobble together airplanes and bridges.

右转上卵石山道。对面山谷查看购物区。Turn right on Cobble Hill Rd. , across from Valley View shopping area.

但科布尔山、卡罗尔花园、斜坡公园都很相似。but there's Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens, Park Slope which are very similar.

大量提供各种天然板石、文化石、古典岩、机制卵石等。Supply natural slate, cultural stone, classical stone, Machine-made Cobble Stone Etc.

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她在十字路口停下来,让一辆马车嘈杂地驶过卵石铺的街道。She stopped at a crossing to let a horse-drawn cart pass noisily on the cobble stoned street.

无水砂卵石是一种典型的力学不稳定地层,对盾构存在较大的不良影响。Waterless sandy cobble is a typical unstable stratum which is unfavorable to shield construction.

因此,这个党派假如要成功地获得通过法案的足够票数支持,难度会相当大。So it will be extraordinarily hard for the DPJ to cobble together enough support to pass legislation.

我住在一个叫科布尔山的地方,那儿曾经是个意大利住宅区,后来它变了。I live in an area called Cobble Hill, which was an Italian neighborhood at one point, and it changed.

底部简单铺放的鹅卵石在蓝色灯光的照耀下,有着很好的装饰效果。The cobble that bottom and simple shop puts is in of blue lamplight beamed below, having very good adornment effect.

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我们喜爱影片角色临时抓过来应急代替消声器的“非常管用的”东西。We love the "highly effective" makeshift silencers which movie characters cobble together on the spur of the moment.

目的是将这类被视为高风险的抵押贷款支持证券重新包装成更吸引投资者的工具。The goal is to cobble the mortgage-backed securities, seen as high-risk, into instruments more palatable to investors.

在装饰材料的选择上,可以把金属、马赛克、鹅卵石这些材料,引进家居环境中。On the choice that decorates material, OK a metal, mosaic, cobble these material, in introducing household environment.

如果欧元区领导人周日能够出台重组银行资本的计划,欧元可能获得提振.The euro may get a boost if euro zone leaders can cobble together a plan on Sunday to recapitalize banks facing hefty losses.

屋顶花园面积宽裕的话,一把遮阳伞是必不可少的,脚下再用鹅卵石拼成各种图案。If roof garden area is ample, a sunshade is indispensable, cobble of the reoccupy below the foot is mosaic all sorts of design.

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不过,国大党没有心存侥幸,他们为了确保胜利正忙于在议会活动,努力获得议员们的支持。But the Congress Party is taking no chances, and is busy trying to cobble together parliamentary support to ensure its survival.

罗老师还和爱妻在花墙上粘鹅卵石装点,浓郁的田园风味扑面而来。Collect the teacher is returned and love wife sticks cobble deck on tracery wall, full-bodied rurality blow on the face and come.

沿着铺满鹅卵石的小路往里走,山水明秀,花木繁茂,布置雅趣。Go to along the alley that bespreads cobble in go, landscape bright show, flowers and trees is exuberant, decorate refined taste.