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你有碎肉吗?。Have you any mince?

她们矫揉造作,一本正经还撅着嘴。They mince and prim and pout.

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在煎锅里把肉末煎至棕色。Brown the mince in a frying pan.

她给他做了热碎肉馅饼。She had a hot mince pie for him.

菜脯、蒜头、辣椒、葱切末。Dried radish, garlic, pepper, onion mince.

我们需要很多碎肉。我们手头没有多少了。We need a lot of mince. We haven't got much.

圣诞节当天吃肉馅饼是违法的。Having a mince pie on Christmas day is illegal.

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与西班牙大多数的老板不同,罗伊先生不会装腔作势。Unlike most Spanish bosses, Mr Roig doesn't mince his words.

迷迭香的火腿鸡扒洋葱剁碎成精。Chop onions for prosciutto rosemary chicken into a fine mince.

如果你有一束新鲜百里香,切碎一些到你的调味汁瓶吧。If you've got a fresh bunch, mince some into your vinaigrette.

本文研究了乳酸链球菌素对虾肉糜保鲜的作用效果。Nisin in extending the shelf life of shrimp mince was studied.

将牛肉糜沥干水分,倒入炒锅中,与其它原料一起翻炒。Drain mince beef and pour into the ingredients sauce pan. Stir.

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他们做了肉馅饼,把礼物都包装好,还装饰了纸制拉环。They made mince pies, wrapped presents and put up paper chains.

我们不需要在它是如何工作这点上绕圈子,因为这确实是一双很棒的鞋。But let’s not mince words here, because these are awesome shoes.

在英国,在圣诞节那天吃肉馅饼是违法的。In Britain, it is illegal to consume a mince pie on Christmas Day.

昨晚的佳肴当中我的最爱是“炒四季豆配肉松”。My favourite for the nite is the Fried snake bean with mince meat.

我希望每次我们需要解决问题的时候你不要总是闪烁其词。I wish you didn't mince words every time we need to resolve a problem.

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月饼是中秋节什么圣诞节吃肉馅饼。Mooncakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas.

中秋节吃月鉼就像西方人圣诞节吃百果馅鉼一样,是必不可少的。Mooncakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas.

义工们准备好了食物——薄煎饼、咖喱杂碎和米饼。Volunteers prepared the meals – chapattis, curried mince and rice pudding.