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她没有一点坏心眼。She is a woman with no sourness.

此外还存在另一种使坏的根源。And there lies another source of sourness.

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有一种泪水载着遗憾,苦涩中带着酸酸的味道!Where drops a tear of regret, sourness adds to bitterness.

的确,如此过久而认真的相知可导致坏心眼。Yes, too long and intense an acquaintance can lead to sourness.

这种辩解在国民的不满情绪面前全然无用。Such protestations were lost to the sourness of the national mood.

此外,甜度和酸度的平衡变化也会被察觉。In addition, the disturbed balance between the sweetness and sourness could be noticed.

一瓶年轻的葡萄酒带着刺激的酸味,又混合着雨后空气般清新以及草味般的香气。With the sourness stimulate young bottle of wine, and mixed rain and fresh air as Kusami like aroma.

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以香醇、柔滑的清米酒与及熟透和香甜梅子配合而成的梅酒,完美协调给人一种非常独特的馀韵。The smoothness of the sake and sourness of the plum coordinated perfectly, giving a unique aftertaste.

酸味和“高音”搭配,所以吃类似味道的食物时适合伴以这样的音乐。He described sourness as 'high-pitched', meaning it should be played alongside music of the same quality.

以黑小麦、牛乳为原料,用驯化的乳酸菌进行发酵制成营养丰富、酸甜适度黑小麦乳酸菌饮料。A lactic acid bacterium drink with rich nutrients and pleasant sweetness and sourness was made from black wheat and milk.

大打的蜜桃,波本和浆果口味都被淡淡的酸果蔓汁和莱姆汁的酸味所掩盖。Great peach, bourbon and berry flavors are held in check by the slight sourness created by both cranberry and lime juices.

因为上帝说过,假如你做坏事、伤害别人、对人不好,那么别人也会对你不好。Because God says that if you do something bad, if you harm someone, if you are sour, then people will return sourness to you.

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该产品呈淡绿色,不仅具有食疗保健功能,而且克服了内酯豆腐普遍存在酸味的缺点。The bean curd is light-green with health care function as well as overcoming the disadvantage of sourness in lactone bean curd.

萨司利克说,酸味只是酸度的另一种表述方式,任何一间中学的化学学生都可以用石蕊试纸进行它的测量。Sourness is just another word for acidity, Suslick said, which any high school chemistry student can test for using litmus paper.

随后,轻咬它,酸酸甜甜的汁徘徊于口中,红色的,晶莹剔透的樱桃。And soon afterwards, I light to bite it, sourness and sweet juice wonder in mouth. It's red, and crystal-clear to pick thorough cherries.

大多数已经位于酸涩中亿万年的王国和大地,都欢迎新音乐,因为这允许我们也感受到爱。Most kingdoms and the land that has sat in sourness sometimes for eons of time welcomes the new music, as it allows us too to feel loved.

研究了酸性调配型含乳饮料的酸味感应符合的要求及影响酸味感的主要因素。The requirements for the sourness in a formulated acidic milk-containing beverage and the main factors influencing the taste are studied in the paper.

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丰盛香醇的黑加仑子香、雪茄匣和烟草香,入口有羊毛脂质感、果味与成熟单宁酸味匀和。Sumptuous mellow black currants incense, cigar box and tobacco fragrance, lanolin texture and fruit flavor and ripe tannins sourness homogeneous taste.

辣劲十足且不掩盖冬炎应有的酸甜,配上意大利蝴蝶粉,是“欢聚小天地”独一无二的秘方哦!Hot and spicy but also has the sweetness and sourness of Tom Yam, with butterfly -shaped pasta in it, the ingredient which makes this dish special and unique.

酸味酿造产品中乳酸、醋酸、丁酸共存,但比例不同形成的酸味特征也不同。Lactic acid, acid, acid aid butyric acid coexisted in sour brewing products. But the sourness of different products was various with different proportion of the three acids.