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保持缆绳松弛。Keep towline slack.

网球的网松悬着。The tennis net hung slack.

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目前生意萧条不振。Business is slack just now.

那拳击手的下巴松了下来。The boxer's jaw went slack.

你工作不要松松垮垮。Don't get slack at your work.

松出两根艏倒缆。Slack away two springs forward.

这一季生意萧条。Business is slack at this season.

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在这个季节生意清淡萧条。Business is slack at this season.

他的动作慢慢腾腾,懒懒散散。His movements were slow and slack.

这匹马以缓慢的步伐走着。The horse was moving at a slack pace.

只因一个小郡长想…Now, Marty, cut me a little slack here.

打包裹的绳很松。The string around the parcel was slack.

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若干地区存在船台及船坞等资本的过度供给。Some areas are slack in slipway and dock.

这就是白头海雕所需要的漏洞。It was as much slack as the Bald Eagle needed.

鲁国君臣整日前去观看,对国事就懈怠了。Lu, all went to watch for this state is slack.

收回松出去的线并飞走。Take up any slack with both lines and fly off.

解结之前先将绳索放松。Slack the rope before trying to untie the knot.

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当绳索松弛下来的时候,我都不敢相信这是真的。I couldn't believe it when the ropes went slack.

同时哈登和威斯布鲁克都有点攻守不平衡。Meanwhile Harden and Westbrook slack in that area.

放松钻杆并卸开下入工具。Slack off drill pope and release running the tool.