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她耍把戏逗我笑。She amused me by tricks.

一切都令我开心。I am amused by everything.

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哪里能寻开心,公爵就到哪里去。The Duke goes where he's amused.

他讲的笑话把满桌人都逗笑了。His jokes amused the whole table.

我想我当时那认真劲儿让他觉得好笑。I think my earnestness amused him.

但是海瑟·弗林很不爽。But Heather Flynn was not as amused.

我们被她的评论逗得哈哈大笑。We were very amused by her comments.

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他笑这军队昏愦。The stupidity of the Army amused him.

男孩们以游戏自娱。The boys amused themselves with games.

他的故事逗得孩子们很开心。His story amused the children very much.

观众被相声逗乐了。The audience was amused by the cross-talk.

来喜来福,有客人来了。Come amused there is guest to the blessing.

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她父亲那些逗人的故事使她很开心。She was amused by her father's funny stories.

他的无名怒火使我觉得很有趣。I felt quite amused at his unwarranted choler.

即使没有逗趣的事情人也能大笑。You can laugh at someone without being amused.

这孩子觉得凸眼的青蛙很有趣。The child was amused by the goggle -eyed frogs.

我们都被那个故事员的笑话逗笑了。We were all amused by the story-teller's jokes.

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我们在等待时以逗猫为乐。We amused ourselves with the cat while we waited.

说书人的笑话逗乐了孩子。AMUSE】The storyteller's jokes amused the children.

我看了,又好气又好笑,原谅了它。I looked at, and good gas and amused , forgive it.