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山崩挟带下大量的碎岩石。A landslide brings down tons of debris.

最近发生了一次大滑坡。A large landslide has recently occured.

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山崩地裂水倒流。Landslide ground crack water flow back.

通木溪滑坡为一老滑坡。Tongmuxi landslide is an old landslide.

马上遭遇山体滑坡,大自然有仇必报。Nature fights back immediately with landslide.

陕西略阳发生山体滑坡,房屋被埋18人死亡。Rain-triggered landslide kills 18 in NW China.

2006年,他以压倒优势当选纽约州州长。He was elected governor in 2006 by a landslide.

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贵州滑坡被埋107人生存机会渺茫。Chance to survive 'dim' for 107 buried in landslide.

传奇它一晃动尾巴就会山崩海啸。It is a legend would be a landslide tsunami wave tail.

现状天然条件下,四道沟滑坡整体处于稳定状态。Sidaogou landslide is stable wholly in natural state now.

即使山崩地裂,我们决不后退。We will never flinch in the face of earthquake or landslide.

它兼有滑坡和泥石流的一些特征。It has some properties of landslide and mudflow concurrently.

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一场大雨诱发山泥倾泻冲毁了双河镇村庄,中国。A rain-induced landslide hits the village of Shuanghe in China.

滑坡体为志留系高家边组页岩。The landslide occur in the Gao Jabian shale of Silurian Period.

主要研究水平匀速滑坡涌浪的生成与传播过程。The essay researches the form and propagation of landslide surge.

远离山崩或土石流的路径可以救你一命。Staying out of the path of a landslide or debris flow saves lives.

该党发言人希林表示,这很出乎意料。DPT spokesman Palden Tshering says no one expected such a landslide.

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滑坡或泥石流结束后可能会有洪水或其他的碎屑。Flooding or additional slides may occur after a landslide or mudflow.

蒙代尔最后惨败给里根。Mondale ended up losing the election in a landslide to Ronald Reagan.

埃尔多安去年以压倒性胜利赢得大选。Mr. Erdogan won last year's general election with a landslide victory.