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观众都笑了。The crowd laughs.

匆忙来往的人群。The crowd is hurrying.

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人群推挤着我们向前。The crowd bore us along.

从人群中站出来。Stand out from the crowd.

我们在人群中找不见她了。We lost her in the crowd.

人群挤满了房间。The crowd filled the room.

人群被驱散了。The crowd were squandered.

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我们慢慢从人群中挤了出来。We edged out of the crowd.

他没有在人群中看到她。He missed her in the crowd.

围观人群给他让开一条路。The crowd made way for him.

人群又开始沸泱。The crowd once again boils.

他淹没在了人群之中。The crowd swallowed him up.

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他和一群坏蛋交往密切。He took up with a bad crowd.

他会在任何人群中脱颖而出。He'd stand out in any crowd.

他的演说激动了群众。His speech flamed the crowd.

下面的观众们倒吸了~口冷气。Then the whole crowd gasped.

他暗暗地挤入人群。He insinuated into the crowd.

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我被人群挤扁了。I'm squeezed in by the crowd.

群众慢慢地散掉。The crowd slowly melted away.

和一群糟糕的家伙混在一起。I got with a pretty bad crowd.