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哦,原来是晨雾。Oh, yes morning mist.

薄雾笼罩着城市。Mist canopied the city.

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却有水雾氤湿了眉间。There mist Xe wet brow.

中午时分雾散了。The mist lifted at noon.

使眼睛湿润--象蒙上潮雾。And a mist before the eye.

汽车在雾中消失了。The car dissolved in mist.

山顶上薄雾环绕。Mist wreathed the hilltops.

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雾笼罩着述座山。Mist wreathed the mountain.

那景色在雾中消失了。The view dissolved in mist.

阳光驱散了薄雾。The sun dissipated the mist.

雾笼罩着伦敦桥。Mist capped the London Bridge.

雾使我的视界模糊。Avision mist blurred my vision.

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薄雾常常使风景暗淡。Mist often blurs the landscape.

看见晨雾有多苍莽。See how morning mist confusion.

小山隐没在浓雾之中.The hills were wrapped in mist.

如今在浓雾中闪烁银光。Is silver now with clinging mist.

空气中飘溢着香水的雾气。A mist of perfume hung in the air.

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充放电无酸雾。Charge and discharge without mist.

它好像就藏在那些雾里。It seems to be hidden in the mist.

我们在雾中闲逛了数英里。We wandered for miles in the mist.