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和一个凶手双式直插式封装池看!Dipping pool with a killer view!

额外添加浸渍叉的糖霜Extra icing sugar for dipping fork

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第一页是吃火锅用的佐料。The first page is all dipping sauce.

他不停地从袋里取糖吃。He kept dipping into the bag of sweets.

她不断地把手伸入袋内拿糖吃。She keeps dipping into the bag of sweet.

太阳正迅速沈下海面。The sun is dipping swiftly into the sea.

只见他拿鸡块蘸黄油吃。He was dipping the chicken in the butter.

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克莱拉最喜欢用这种饼干蘸着咖啡吃。Clara enjoys dipping her cookies in coffee.

北京烤鸭,薄饼,黄瓜条,酱料。Peking duck, Pancakes, Cucumber, Dipping Sauce.

她喝着茶,并把她手里的那块饼干浸到茶里。She drank her tea, dipping her biscuit into it.

他把手伸进钱柜时恰好被抓住。They caught him red-handed dipping into the till.

他挖土豆并帮忙给羊群洗药浴。He digs potatoes and helps with the sheep dipping.

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或者你们曾在你们家后院的游泳池裸泳?Or do you go skinny dipping in your backyard pool?

板用沾银、沾铜专用胶带。Used in silver and copper dipping process of MLCC.

蜡烛反复在融蜡或某种物质中浸泡而做成的蜡烛。A candle made by repeated dipping in tallow or wax.

BL-303系槽浸型锌系磷化处理剂。BL-303 is dipping zinc phosphating treatment agent.

如果你足够勇敢,你可以试试裸泳。If you're daring enough you can try skinny dipping.

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取出焗好的猪颈肉切件,把汁料材料拌匀即可伴食。Slice the pork, mix up the dipping sauce and serve.

商船互相点旗致敬。Merchant ships salute each other by dipping the flag.

列举了浸涂漆的技术指标。The technical specification of dipping paint is given.