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店主到批发商处进货去了。The shopkeeper has gone to the wholesaler to buy new products.

他起先在一个食品批发部门做工人。He started working as a laborer at a state-owned food wholesaler.

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一路下去,还能看到福中五金店和家具批发商。Farther down the road is the Fu Zhong hardware and furniture wholesaler.

零售商直接从制造商或从批发商那里购买商品。Retailers buy goods directly from the manufacturer or from a wholesaler.

从批发商那里买一颗切割不那么精密的钻石可以节省数百美元。Buying a loose diamond from a wholesaler can save you hundreds of dollars.

立志成为专业的K-GOLD首饰制造、批发商。Determined to become a professional K-GOLD jewellery manufacturer, wholesaler.

如果大批发商接收贿赂,那么伪造药品就进入了供应链。If the wholesaler buys, those counterfeit products are now in the supply chain.

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每个批发商的能力和能量已经批发商调查中确认。The capabilities and capacities, of each wholesaler are identified through the EWS survey.

在墨尔本郊外,一家家族私营的海鲜批发企业主史蒂夫•瓦西莉奇却没有那么高兴。Steve Vasiliki, owner of a family run seafood wholesaler on Melbourne’s outskirts, is less happy.

我们分发和推广红酒许多餐厅和酒吧。We are Distributor, Wholesaler of Red-Wine products, mainly dealing with Australia and French Red-Wines.

我们是一流的质量,从最热门的时尚品牌服装及专业批发商,我们提供如下。We are the professional wholesaler of hottest top quality fashion apparel from brands, we supply as below.

他还加速了对农业经销商的支付,帮助他们与批发供应商建立更好的联系。It also speeds up payments to agro-dealers and helps them build better links with the wholesaler suppliers.

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而消费地与产地批发市场也呈现不同的非线性动态走势。Finally, hog price also presents inconsistency of non-linear dynamic path in consumer and wholesaler markets.

利兴钻石集团于一九四九年创立,是亚洲区最大及商誉最好的钻石批发商之一。Founded in 1949, Lee Heng Diamond Co. Ltd. has been one of Asia"s largest and most respected diamond wholesaler."

前身是1995年在北京批发木夹板、木皮等室内装饰材料。In 1995 its predecessor was wholesaler for wood plywood, veneer and other interior decoration materials in Beijing.

华菱西厨是一家专门从事批发韩国、日本料理器具、用具的专业批发商。Hualing Western Kitchenware is a professional wholesaler specialized in wholesale Korea, Japanese cuisine appliances.

广州鑫顺厨具是一家专门从事批发韩国、日本料理器具、用具的专业批发商。Guangzhou Xin Shun kitchenware is a professional wholesaler specialized in wholesale Korea, Japanese cuisine appliances.

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我们将建模的业务流程是一个应用程序,该应用程序自动从批发商那里为超市进货。The business process we'll model is an application that automates stocking a supermarket with products from a wholesaler.

在美国龟甲万是亚洲公司中最大的食品批发商,在欧洲、中国和澳大利亚也是较大的食品批发商。Kikkoman is the biggest wholesaler of Asian foodstuffs in America, with similar operations in Europe, China and Australia.

制定客户发展计划和团队建设计划,更好的加强美夏产品在区域内的覆盖率和知名度。To set up account development plan and build up wholesaler team. Enhance distribution in relevant area and improve SG products'famous.