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你敢骂越南人?You dare curse Vietnamese?

越南米粉皮的春卷。Classic Vietnamese Spring Rolls.

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他说越南语和英语。He speaks Vietnamese and English.

凭什么必须是米国来帮助越南?Why should the US help the Vietnamese?

越南人不喜欢黑皮肤的柬埔寨人。Vietnamese hate darker-skinned Cambodians.

其他越南海军舰艇也前来协助。Other Vietnamese naval ships also came to help.

怎么用雅虎通和越南人聊天?Why uses Yahoo to exchange sum Vietnamese chat?

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河内一名越南卖花小贩正在拣选玫瑰。A vietnamese flower vendor sorts roses in hanoi.

过去这几家,就是那家越南餐馆了吗?And after those, it’s the Vietnamese restaurant?

越南人正在从非洲大量走私犀角。The Vietnamese are moving rhino horn from Africa.

越南人知道如何狠揍大国。Vietnamese know how to kick out of big countries.

春节对于北越来说是军事上的败笔。Tetis a military disaster for the North Vietnamese.

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有时和越南语并称为CJKV。Sometimes associated with Vietnamese and called CJKV.

台湾炮兵部队向越南补给船开火。Taiwanese artillery fired on a Vietnamese supply ship.

中国人民在许多方面是不同的对越南语。There're many differences between Vietnamese and Chinese.

越南占伦研究员姜是希望能为BP工作。Fellow Vietnamese Chamroeun Kang is hoping to work for BP.

今天我在户卡斯越南快餐吃了午餐。Just had lunch today at Vietnamese restaurant Bánh Mì Now.

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越南女子平均身高为1.55米,体重为47千克。The average Vietnamese woman is 1.55m tall and weighs 47kg.

四川菜、广东菜、云南菜、蒙古菜、泰国菜和越南菜。Sichuan, Cantonese, Yunnan, Mongolian, Thai, and Vietnamese.

朝鲜语越南语之中也同样有汉字的身影。There are Chinese characters found in Korean and Vietnamese.