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看他们穿着奇装异服,他皱起了眉头。He frowns at their bizarre attire.

我把那些纽约套装都换成了夏威夷衬衫。I swapped my New York attire for Aloha shirts.

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皇帝身穿朝服坐在座上。With the emperor in full attire on the throne.

如果你依然不能确定,最好还是穿着工作装。If you're not sure, it's best to wear business attire.

本市各大商场经营品牌女装。This city each big market management brand female attire.

精巧镶珠饰的包比较适合参加婚礼的优雅服饰。A small beaded bag is wonderful for weddings elegant attire.

唐装的形成有各种历史原因。The formation of Tang Attire has various historical reasons.

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都知道,人们对职场装束的态度变得随意了。Everyone knows that attitudes toward work attire have relaxed.

大号的职业装是特别稀缺的。It is particularly in need of large-sized professional attire.

因此,不要不梳洗或穿不适合的衣服来上班。So don't come to work poorly groomedor in inappropriate attire.

依然装做没有留意其实早已看到。Still the attire does has not paid attention actually already sees.

她的衣服是一套正式的晚装,细节做得很漂亮。The attire consisted of a formal evening gown, immaculate in detail.

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我们摇滚时有超级性感的纱丽服和其他神奇的印度服装。We get to rock the super sexy sarees and other amazing Indian attire.

她把你的外貌问题给解决了,你确实得请她吃一顿饭。You do owe her a meal after she solved your attire problem after all.

民族服饰在民族学、考古学中占有重要位置。National attire takes an important place in ethnology and archaeology.

这一更为舒适的网球服的出现令各地的女子欢呼不已。Women everywhere cheered the advent of more comfortable tennis attire.

如果不能从我的木桶中恢复衣服,那么木桶将会变得没多大用。Not being able to retrieve attire from my bucket would make it useless.

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使用能透气的合成材料制成的跑步服。Wear running attire made of synthetic materials that wick moisture away.

职业装也可以展现你的性感小蛮腰!Business attire also can show you took the sexy small pretty waist! ! ! ! !

额,我一直在想那些穿职业装的人是哪里的。Well, I was wondering where those people with professional attire come from.