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他的话听来空洞无物。His words rang hollow.

电话的蜂鸣器响了。The phone buzzer rang.

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我再次按下了门铃。I rang the doorbell again.

天军天使遥相呼应。From heaven in answer rang.

他的说教听起来很空洞。His preachings rang hollow.

只是门在吱吱响,并没有人。I rang up just to say hello.

铃响了,她的摩托艇。The motorboat rang her bell.

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门铃响了,我在楼上等着。When doorbell rang I waited.

正在这时,电话铃响了。Just then,the telephone rang.

值班员发出警报。The man on duty rang an alarm.

好吧,不管好歹,反正我按铃了。Well, anyhow, I rang the bell.

他们的左边想起了呐喊声。Shouts rang out from their left.

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咆哮声回荡在整个房间里。The whole room rang with a roar.

他直到钟响才离开。He left an soon as the bell rang.

骑车的人使劲儿按车铃。The cyclist rang his bell loudly.

但,听,一个银铃般的声音回答道。But, there The silver answer rang.

最后,救命的钟声终于敲响了。Finally the bell rang as a relief.

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一天,诺德先生接到一个电话。One day Mr Knott's telephone rang.

那个旋律仍然在她的耳际荡。The melody still rang in her ears.

话语在她耳畔空洞地回响着。The words rang hollow in her ears.