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将数据智能地映射到变量。Map the data into variables intelligently.

但是我们的技术主管非常明智地没有那样做。But the tech lead intelligently did not do that.

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这样您就可以更灵活地编写应用程序。This way you can code your application much more intelligently.

我们的工作智慧,能够让低端机器也做那些事情。We work intelligently to make things happen on lower specced machines.

之后我们会讨论一下我应该怎样,更聪明的去理解它。Later we'll talk about how 1 could think about them more intelligently.

2008年北京奥运会,您将是充满智慧的、绿色的。Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, you will be full of intelligently , greenly.

老天爷最聪明的地方,就是教你做这种魔术的主人。The God is intelligently good at making you the master this magic power.

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目的是均衡所有的力量以有效地开发软件。The goal is to balance all the forces to develop software intelligently.

更加智能地使用资源,将能让纳税人的钱细水长流。Using resources more intelligently can make taxpayers’ money go further.

芭芭拉饱读各种书籍,以至于其能在各种场合,话题下都能谈论自如。Barbara read so much that she can talk intelligently about almost any topic.

相濡以沫的夫妇,可爱懂事的孩子,组成幸福之家!Comfy of couple , lovely , intelligently childs , made up a blessed family !

从使用者到多个生产者的智能代理产品请求。Intelligently brokering product requests from consumers to multiple producers.

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在书上作记号,有各种各样好的、行之有效的方法。These are all kinds of devices for marking a book intelligently and fruitfully.

默认下,Ext会自动决定浮动元素是否应该被填充。By default, Ext intelligently decides whether floating elements should be shimmed.

智能减速或加速变化的图像序列帧率你!Intelligently slows down, speeds up or changes the frame rate of your image sequences!

修民的经理看到大华在自己家当钟点工,认为大华很有心计。The repair manager to see in their own home Dahua part-time, Dahua think intelligently.

每当有人对我大声叫喊的时候,我总是无法集中精力,而且不能明智地回答问题。I can't concentrate well enough to answer intelligently when someone is hollering at me.

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它也智能颜色代码您的档案和资料夹,可定制的配色方案。It also intelligently color codes your files and folders with customizable color schemes.

它只是假设宇宙拥有证据证明它是由高智能设计的。ID simply postulates that the universe possesses evidence that it was intelligently designed.

这句话大概是说战略是对动态行使的最佳思考—它是一种可以让我们很好地找到出路的动力吗?Strategy is best thought of in its active state- as a force that is finding its way, intelligently.