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一场决斗是不可避免的。One meeting was unavoidable.

间歇的桔黄色是无法避免的intermittent oranges are unavoidable

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红珊瑚,狭路相逢。Red coral, unavoidable confrontation.

对方推托说这次耽搁是无法避免的。The other made excuse for unavoidable delay.

也有当时难以避免的迷误和不足。It also had unavoidable mistakes and defects.

那么氢原子是不可避免的地雷吗?So are hydrogen atoms unavoidable space mines?

某些划分方式通常是不可避免的。Yet some manner of partitioning is often unavoidable.

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导致黑素瘤的危险因素中大部分都是难以避免的。Most of the risk factors for melanoma are unavoidable.

存在一些摩擦,这是不可避免的。Of course there is some friction, that is unavoidable.

有人说交通事故是不可避免的。Some people say that traffic accidents are unavoidable.

我们忍受的一些噪音是不可避免的。Some of the noises we are subjected too are unavoidable.

我对每个人都不马虎,因为剧痛虽厉害,可是免不了。I am firm with each, the pangs are sharp yet unavoidable.

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于是,一场在所难免的火拼开始了。Therefore, is unavoidable the internecine strife started.

我们在人生之路上都有某类不可避免的卡尔玛。We all have some type of unavoidable karma coming our way.

在全固体激光器中,由于热沉积,因而产生热透镜效应。It is unavoidable to thermal sink in all solid-state lasers.

高压溶出过程,结疤的产生是不可避免的。Scab is unavoidable in the process of high-pressure digestion.

“氢原子是躲避不了的空间地雷,”Edelstein说。"Hydrogen atoms are unavoidable space mines, " says Edelstein.

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赶巧了,谁家菜地挨着河,免不了进去“扫荡”一番的。Fan, who plot next to the river, unavoidable in "mopping up" a.

我同意你的说法,而且地方主义也是不能少的一个原因。I agree with you. And the regionalism is one unavoidable reason.

老实说,污染在现在的城市里是不可避免的。To be prefectly honest, pollution is unavoidable in modern cities.