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一个多层大楼的一层或一间。A high-level corporate briefing.

您介绍的这张美丽的相片。Your briefing this beautiful photographs.

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正在作情况介绍的海军上将拿起他的教鞭。The admiral giving the briefing took his pointer.

出井后,郭海听取了该公司的安全生产情况汇报。Idei, the Guo heard of the company's safety briefing.

记者您的简报本质上是叙述某种东西。Remember that your briefing is essentially a narrative.

为什么大堂副理须做每日简报?Why does the Asst. Manager need to conduct the briefing?

我预计这次吹风会将于星期五下午在这里举行。I expect the briefing to be held here on Friday afternoon.

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首先,对战后民间艺术交流的背景进行介绍。First, the post-war exchange of folk arts background briefing.

新一期的经济学人简介栏目中解释了个中原因。A briefing in the new issue of The Economist helps explain why.

对于陈龙正的生平及其生活的时代背景进行简要介绍。Introduce Chen's life and the lives of the background briefing.

凯丽先生每个早晨都要参加一场反恐简报会。Mr Kelly starts every morning with a counter-terrorism briefing.

我和查尔斯在他的书房里闭门开简介会。Charles and I were closeted in his study for the briefing session.

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每天早上,我都会收到一份对我国威胁状况的简报。Every morning, I received a briefing on the threats to our Nation.

在莞城午餐并听取介绍之后,我们再次上路。After a lunch stop and briefing in Guancheng, we hit the road again.

100多名中外记者出席了吹风会。More than 100 Chinese and foreign journalists attended the briefing.

停电后具有自动开门吹冷风功能。Automatically after power failure function to open the door briefing.

场域建筑的梁井宇介绍的空间方案。Liang Jingyu of Approach Architecture briefing about his space design.

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他花了两个小时用绳捆扎所有这些包裹。He spent two hours mugging up the statistics before briefing the press.

吹风会上,亚洲司司长崔天凯已经回答了你的这个问题。Director-General Cui Tiankai has answered your question at the briefing.

各大媒体云集吹风会,纷纷提问。Many major medias were at the briefing and lots of questions were asked.