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那是个危险的旅程。That was a hazardous journey.

神经衰弱者身临高处有危险。Great height is hazardous to the weak head.

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这个士兵装病逃避危险的差使。The soldier evaded hazardous by malingering.

干洗工要跟很多危险的化学品打交道。Dry-cleaners deal with many hazardous chemicals.

携带武器或危险物品入场者。Carry weapons or hazardous goods into the station.

或者它会在未来的几周中变得较不危险吗?Or would it be less hazardous over the coming weeks?

该gs2房屋是当然的作风危险地点。The GS2 housing is an Ex-style for hazardous locations.

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采取行动以便迅速处理危急情况。Initiate action to improve a hazardous situation immediately.

今天,许多电子废物上了国家危险废物名录。Today, many e-wastes added into national hazardous waste list.

对从事有职业危害作业的劳动者应当定期进行健康检查。Give regular body check-ups to workers engaging in hazardous jobs.

加强特种设备和危险药品的管理。Strengthen management on special equipment and hazardous chemicals.

诸圣日前夕住在东庇护所对一个人的健康是有害的。Living in East Haven during Halloween was hazardous to one's health.

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城市气象局给了今天的空气质量一个罕见的危险排名。The city's weather bureau gave air quality a rare hazardous ranking.

这个公司计划监督污水排放和废水的回收处理。The company plans to monitor emissions and hazardous waste disposal.

有害废物包含了液体、固体、混合气体,或烂泥。Hazardous wastes can be liquids, solids, contained gases, or sludges.

微波因其热效应而具有潜在危险。Microwaves are potentially hazardous because of their heating effect.

漂浮的碎片或者物体令到即使是很简单的急流也变得非常险要。Floating debris and strainers make even an easy rapid quite hazardous.

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危害化学制品溢出并且是关心在地震期间。Spills of hazardous chemicals are also a concern during an earthquake.

中国每年产生有害废物的总数为九百万吨。China generates a total of 9 million tons of hazardous waste every year.

二嗪农和毒死蜱也逐渐显露出危险性。Diazinon and chlorpyrifos, too, were eventually revealed to be hazardous.