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摩托罗拉随后进行了反诉。Motorola subsequently countersued.

鲍勃·奎克后来撤消了指控。He subsequently withdrew the accusation.

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然后她毫无表情地看着德克雷。Subsequently she looked at Decraye vacantly.

后来,她的母亲搬到了石家庄。Her mother moved to Shijiazhuang subsequently.

我们接连输掉了两个案子还有一个被判推迟。We've subsequently lost two and one is pending.

后来他在1994年和1999年两次连任。He was subsequently re-elected in 1994 and 1999.

这一信息随后会被送到总部。This information is subsequently sent to the HQ.

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他们后来听说他离开了这个国家。They subsequently heard that he left the country.

其后我们将称其为组件模式。We will subsequently call them component patterns.

后来“狂欢节”就一直沿用了“蒙巴”这个名字。The grateful organisers subsequently used the name.

后来,我们看到稳麦中工作的不同。Subsequently we see a division of work in the Ummah.

他越狱逃跑了,但后来又被抓回来。He escaped from prison but was subsequently recaptured.

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1989年,成立伯林艺术中心。In 1989, Bolin Art Center was subsequently established.

随后,风让球移动到了一个新的位置。Subsequently the wind moves his ball to a new position.

后来又照原样把扣具安装回散热片。Subsequently to Button as it stood to install heat sink.

随后慧信公司不服,提出上诉。Huixin company subsequently appealed against the verdict.

林嘉祥随后被开除,身败名裂。Lin was subsequently fired, his reputation left in tatters

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随后它为康柏和其他公司设计类似产品。It subsequently built similar products for Palm and others.

可以绘制这些路径,并设置笔画宽度或填充。These paths may be drawn, and subsequently stroked or filled.

弗莱先生后来加入了阿格拉公司,出任总编。Mr. Fry subsequently joined Agora Inc., as Editorial Director.