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把我的箱子放在架子上。Set my case over the shelves.

河底从这里呈缓坡倾斜。The river bottom shelves here.

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这书架有五格。This bookcase has five shelves.

海岸向海面的倾斜角度很小。The shore shelves down to the sea.

我把书架上的书籍整理好。I arranged the books on the shelves.

我们需要足够的货去铺店。We need plenty to stock the shelves.

设备在库存中还是安装在机架上?Is the equipment on shelves or in racks?

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你的书架上放满了没有碰过的书吗?Do you have shelves full of unread books?

其中一个有搁板和鞋架。One has shelves and a built-in shoe rack.

书整齐有序地排列在书架上。The books are in orderly rows on shelves.

这家商店内部的货架,一般是空的。The store with half-empty shelves inside.

用水平仪把架子弄平。Level off the shelves with a spirit level.

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我们把商品放到架子上让人们来买。We put stuff on shelves and people buy it.

书架总长度275千米。The whole length of book shelves is 275 km.

学生进入图书馆后,请将书包放在书包架上。All schoolbags should be put on the shelves.

小心可能从架子上掉下来的物品。Beware of objects that can fall off shelves.

把食品整齐摆放在货架上和冰箱内。Stock food items neat in shelves and fridges.

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书整齐有序地排列在书架上。The books are in orderly rows on the shelves.

那些书散放在书架上。The books were lying on the shelves all anyhow.

导游图在那边的架子上。The tourist maps are on the shelves over there.