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是的,就像那种上百万美元的房子,Yeah, they're like multimillion dollar homes,

在这两家公司之间代理促成一笔数百万美元交易的正是史密斯。It was Smith who brokered the multimillion dollar deal between the two companies.

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然而,苹果却始终在这个花开销上百万的音乐和设备销售中占尽了优势。But Apple Computer remains dominant in the multimillion -dollar field of music and device sales.

同样显现在其中的是巨大的气体云团,温度达几百万度,还有明亮的点源,这是由于中子星与黑洞造成的。Also shown are huge clouds of multimillion degree gas and bright point like sources due to neutron stars and black holes.

从打开汽车后备箱兜售音乐CD,到今天拥有自己价值数千万的饶舌品牌,P早就证明了自己超常的学习能力。Having gone from selling CDs out of his trunk to running a multimillion -dollar rap label, P long ago proved he was a quick study.

伊利诺伊州政府本想终止与其数百万的合约,但裁决天主教慈善会暂时继续与州政府合作。The state tried to end its multimillion dollar contracts but a judge temporarily allowed Catholic Charities to work with the state.

沃森的开发者们一直在房间大小,价值数百万美元的超级计算机获得更高的目标不只是一个游戏节目。Watson's developers have always had higher goals for the room-sized, multimillion dollar supercomputer than just winning a game show.

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有时我们看到双色的图像并相信他们是真实的,而有时我们看到有数百万色的图像,却很肯定的说它假。Sometimes we view two colored image and believe them real and on the other side we see multimillion colored image and clearly say it FAKE.

本周,银行和消费者金融公司的联盟发动了数百万美元的广告运动,以反对该提案。And this week, the allies of banks and consumer finance companies launched a multimillion dollar ad campaign to fight against the proposal.

动辄数以百万美元计的成功筹资故事当然会让众筹的新爱好者头晕目眩,但是保持头脑冷静对项目启动者来说是非常重要的。It'scommon for multimillion dollar success stories to dazzle new crowdfundingenthusiasts, but it's vital that project starters keep a level head.

人人都需要润肤霜是化妆品公司花费数百万美元宣扬的一个神话,目的是为了让你掏出自己的血汗钱。That everyone needs a moisturiser is a multimillion dollar myth the cosmetic companies propagate in order to make you hand over your hard-earned cash.

人人都需要润肤霜是化妆品公司花费数百万美元宣扬的一个神话,目的是为了让你掏出自己的血汗钱。That everyone needs a moisturizer is a multimillion dollar myth the cosmetic companies propagate in order to make you hand over your hard-earned cash.

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大家都需要润肤霜是化妆品公司耗费数百万美圆张扬的一个神话,目的是为了让你取出自己的心血钱。That everyone needs a moisturizer is a multimillion dollar myth the cosmetic companies propagate in order to make you hand over your hard-earned cash.

人人都需要润肤霜是化妆品公司花费数百万美元宣扬的一个神话,目的是为了让你掏出自己的血汗钱。That everyone needs a moisturiser is a multimillion dollar myth the cosmetic companies propagate in order to make you hand over your hard-earned cash.

数百万美元的合同于2003年被“海军研究办公室”通过其美国分公司“BAES系统高级技术公司”给与了BAES。The multimillion dollar contract was granted by The Office of Naval Research to BAES in 2003, through its US subsidiary BAE Systems Advanced Technologies Inc.

这份星期四在肯尼亚首度内罗毕发布的报告说,恢复遭到破坏的生态系统,能产生数百万美元的经济效益,增加就业,并打击贫困。The report, released Thursday in Nairobi, Kenya, says restoring damaged eco-systems can trigger multimillion dollar returns, generate jobs and combat poverty.

据报道,火力出书及运作一个数百万的集美丽、时尚与娱乐为一体的公司,不幸地让“脱发”症状找上了她。But banging out a book and running a multimillion dollar beauty, fashion, and entertainment empire reportedly took a toll on her in an unexpected place -- her scalp.

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许多全世界最优秀的球员来到美国展示他们的技巧,也可以作为职棒大联盟的球星获得数百万美元的薪酬。Many of the world’s best players now come to the United States to demonstrate their skills -- and to earn the multimillion dollar paychecks typical for major league stars.

没有什么能比几十个会计师,律师和SOX顾问花光了大把的银子炮制出来的2002年萨班斯-奥克斯利法案更能让参议院在后安然时代更安心的东西了。There’s nothing like a few dozen accountants, lawyers and SOX consultants running up multimillion dollar bills so a couple of senators can feel good about themselves post-Enron.

之前外界认为,正是由于投行动辄数百万美元的奖金,刺激了从业者的冒险行为,从而导致世界金融体系险些崩溃。The multimillion dollar bonus culture of investment banks has been blamed for contributing to the risky behaviour which brought about the near-collapse of the world financial system.