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她愤怒的坚持。she insisted indignantly.

老师愤怒地宣称。The teacher declared indignantly.

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他气愤地哼了一声,走开了。He snorted indignantly and walked away.

天云说,“不能弄脏女孩子的屋子!”A girl's room should not be dirtied, " she said indignantly."

上帝接着转向比尔·盖茨,发现盖茨一脸怒气地看着他。God then turned to Bill Gates, who was staring at him indignantly.

“正是因为女人的运命,女人会不结婚的,”艾德拉愤愤补充道。“"And a woman should not be married just for her fortune, " Edna added indignantly.

不会有什么战争!“孪生兄弟如同他们被欺负了似的地喊起来。"Not going to be any war! " cried the twins indignantly , as though they had been defrauded.

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教师中的一人认为这没有什么错,“我们正在做自己的事情,”她厚着脸皮说,“我们并没有教课。”One of them denies any wrongdoing. "We are just doing our own work here, " she says indignantly.

白凤和艾莉到林家,却被林母用冷水泼了一身,两人愤愤离去。BaiFengHe Ellie to Lin, but Lin mother with cold water spilled a suit, both indignantly departed.

我们抗议并纷纷从寒鸦身上拿下了自己的羽毛,结果寒鸦还是寒鸦。We indignantly protest,and each pluck from it our own feathers ,leaving the jackdaw nothing but a jackdaw.

叶薇笑嘻嘻地说,林丽一下子红了脸,愤怒地瞪着叶薇。Leaf Wei smiles happily ground to say, Lin Li gets red in the face a while and indignantly stares leaf Wei.

她愤怒地控诉了南霸天的滔天罪行,激起军民怒火万丈。She indignantly condemns the despot for his towering crimes, which evoke the great wrath of the soldiers and the people.

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谷野的大帐篷里灯火通明,不断传出纳突拉愤怒的吼叫声。Wild big tent inside in valley the lights is bright, continuously spread cashier Tu to pull to indignantly roar a voice.

倏忽间,她的手指试探性地来回摁压,抚摸着皮肤,于此同时,却感到一阵头皮发麻的惊惧。Just seconds later, her fingers, tentative, pressed back and forth, smoothing the skin as her brain bristled indignantly.

那个银鸡心晃晃荡荡,不听指挥地在办公室的家具上磕磕碰碰,愤愤离去。The silver heart left the office, swinging and banging itself independently against the office furniture as it indignantly departed.

当我方的谈判人员想要“请问”关于关税问题时,中国的谈判人员却愤怒地回答说“亲吻”是不合时宜的。Our negotiators think they’re asking questions about tariffs, and the Chinese respond indignantly that kissing would be inappropriate.

张先生气愤地说,买精装房图的是方便,没想到买了有问题的房子!Zhang said indignantly that those who buy the hardbound building plan is convenient, had not thought that bought had the question house!

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“你们这两个口无遮拦的家伙!”女士生气说道,“在这个国家,我们可不在公共场所大声讨论自己的性生活。”"You foul-mouthed sex-obsessed swine, " retorted the lady indignantly. "In this country, we don't' speak aloud in public places about our sex lives!

当华盛顿表示,它可能会浸在东及南中国海有争议水域中介的手,愤怒地回应北京。When Washington indicated that it might dip a mediating hand in the contested waters of the East and South China seas, Beijing responded indignantly.

我会愤然拒绝与遮住脸的护士,医生或教师打交道。I would indignantly refuse to have any dealings with a nurse or doctor or teacher who hid his or her face, let alone a tax inspector or customs official.