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今日之事件乃预示他日之不幸。Today's event bespeak future tragedy.

今日之事件乃预示他日之不幸。Today's events bespeak future tragedy.

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他委托她跟他的女友谈话。He sent her to bespeak his girl friend.

今天的事件预示着一个美好的未来。Today's events bespeak a bright future.

她抬头问她儿子的愿望。She raised her head to bespeak her son's wishes.

这是您叫我做的那顶帽子。HABERDASHER. Here is the cap your worship did bespeak.

这些表现可能是受西方的影响。All these features seem to bespeak influence from the West.

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阿兹提克族人的遗迹证明其拥有高度文明。The relics left by the aztecs bespeak a high degree of civilization.

只要安东尼奥要受罚,我就会要了他的心。Bespeak him a fortnight before, I will have Antonio's heart if he forfeit.

他那质朴的外表和轻柔的谈吐表明了他卑微的出身。His somewhat geekish appearance and soft-spoken manner bespeak his humble roots.

所有这些战例都证实了这种炮不同寻常的精确性以及它全面的战斗价值。All bespeak the unusual accuracy of the gun and it's all-around combat worthiness.

匆忙写好邮件却违反了书面基本准则,这体现出你的粗心大意。Rushed mails that violate the basic norms of written language bespeak carelessness.

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身体表面的肌肤和墙体表面上的涂鸦,表明的是社会和文化的身份。The surface of the body and the surface graffiti of walls bespeak social and cultural identities.

其主要功能是完成外卖的前期和辅助工作,即通过网络进行定餐和对服务进行评价。Bespeak Meal System mostly used to accomplish accessorial work, namely order dish and grad the service.

银茶具和紧俏的肖邦预示着一个过去的时代,改版的下午茶逐渐流行。The silver tea service and strains of Chopin bespeak a bygone era. But a revamped version of afternoon tea is thriving.

他们可能表示对邻居的民主意见,但是谈到自然,草坪的政治观是极权主义。They may bespeak democratic sentiments toward our neighbors, but with respect to nature the politics of lawns are totalitarian.

这一矛盾或许正是崇高作为一种哲学诉求与哥特传奇体裁要求之间的矛盾。This discrepancy might bespeak the very incongruity between sublimity as a philosophical pursuit and the demand of the Gothic genre.

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这可以表明奥利佛·哈代的胃口更大,果真如此的话,也许奥利的引用会有一个语源学的解释。This might bespeak a larger appetite on the part of Oliver Hardy and if so there might be an etymological explanation for Ollie’s quote.

孝感话“把”的特点,显示了“把”在地域上的共时差异,反映了语言历史演变的轨迹。The character of "Ba" in Xiaogan dialect, bespeak its simutaneous difference in area, reflect the developing trace of linguistic history.

它显示的努力和获得通过你的努力工作的东西而怀有好看没有对个人奋斗的辉煌。It shows the efforts and the glory of acquiring something through one's hard work whereas good looks bespeak no struggle of the individual.