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品味使议决兆天获胜。The day that taste trillion won.

东电目前拥有约2万亿日元的现金流。TEPCO has a cash flow of 2 trillion yen.

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兆辉和嘉儿也走到了一起。Trillion fai and Carrie son also together.

万亿美元并非是吹出来的。One trillion U. S. dollars is not a blow out.

那52万亿是怎么产生的?Where is this fifty-two trillion coming from?

阿飞、兆辉成了最好的朋友。Teddy boy, trillion fai became the best of friends.

标准量级,每秒十七兆单位。At standard rate, seventeen trillion units per second.

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类星体是“类似恒星射电源”的缩写。Many quasars radiate as much power as100 trillion suns.

亿万众生的洗礼,是一本书的奇迹!Trillion all living things baptisms, are a book miracle!

勘探能力将突破1万亿立方米的大关。The exploration capacity would hit 1 trillion cubic meters.

李英国觉得英兆的想法不可思议。The idea of LiYingGuo think British trillion inconceivable.

现在我们每年创造五千亿赤字。And now we have a half-a- trillion -dollar deficit annually.

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中国税收在2001年超万亿,然后呢?China's Taxation Overtaking Trillion Yuan in 2001, and Then?

半一万亿美元的抵押贷款投资已经坏了。Half a trillion dollars in mortgage investments have gone bad.

而称中国有9.3亿灰色收入可能就低估了这一数字。If that’s the case, then 9.3 trillion may be an underestimate!

居民直接持有的股票总值,只有六万亿美元Stocks owned directly by households are only about six trillion.

云横兆忙不迭把匕首递了过去。Cloud horizontal trillion favour not the Die passed bayonet past.

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总而言之,人类身体拥有超过三千亿的细胞。All in all, the human body consists of some thirty trillion cells!

欧美每年商品服务贸易额都达数万亿美元。We trade about a trillion dollars in goods and services each year.

中国拥有的美国债券就有大约3万亿美元!China's ownership of US govt. bonds alone is about 3 trillion USD !