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听了这话,女推销员彬彬有礼地报以微笑。The salesgirl smiled politely.

新来的女售货员从商店开除了。The new salesgirl was read out of the shop.

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说完,他的留意力又回到那个迷人的女倾销员身上往了。Tom returned his attention to the attractive young salesgirl.

有,去年夏天我在一家时装店任兼职售货员。Yes, I worked in a fashion shop last summer as a part-time salesgirl.

经理严厉斥责女售货员的对顾客无礼。The manager rebuked the salesgirl sharply for being rude to customers.

昨天上午这位年轻的女售货员与经理大吵大闹。The young salesgirl rowed fiercely with the manager yesterday morning.

我们已警告有关职员,包括那位态度恶劣的售货员。We have warned persons concerned, including the salesgirl on the phone.

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女售货员说如果我们对这台电视机不满意,她可以给换一台。The salesgirl said she would replace the TV set if we were not satisfied.

“这张比较可爱。”女售货员答道,上面写着“赠给我唯一心爱的姑娘。”"Here's a lovely one, "replied the salesgirl. "to the Only Girl I Ever Loved. "

而她呢,过了好几天才告诉他说,她是一家鞋店的售货员。For her part, she waited several days to tell him that she was a salesgirl in a shoe store.

在一家商店里,小明发现售货员不明白一位外国朋友想买什么。In a shop, he found that the salesgirl didn't understand what the foreign friend wanted to buy.

在得到第一份售货员工作之前,她记不清遭到了多少次拒绝。She can't remember how many times she was turned down before getting her first job as a salesgirl.

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女售货员一听,立即拿出了三件不同尺码的衬衣,任那位顾客挑选。At a word the salesgirl brought out three shirts of different sizes for the customer to choose from.

在深圳大学书店当售货员,每周工作21小时,赚了大学费用的45%。Worked 21 hours weekly as a salesgirl at the bookstore of Shenzhen University. Earned 45% of college expenses.

盛大的开幕式将在月底隆重登场,而他们希望辣妹们可以报名加入正式女店员的行列。The grand opening will be at the end of this month and they want some spicy girls to apply for an official salesgirl position.

琼斯太太要看看不太贵的帽子,售货姑娘摆出副盛气凌的人样子,说这个店不卖便宜货。Mrs Jones asked to see a less expensive hat. The salesgirl got up on her high horse and said that the shop did not sell cheap merchandise.

这时,保安拿来了一个电子仪器,让一位女店员用它检查我。不用说,他们什么也没找到。At this point, a security man came in with an electronic device in his hand. They asked a salesgirl to examine me. Needless to say, they found nothing.