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深度脑刺激疗法要求在特定神经解剖部位放置电极。Deep brain stimulation requires placement of electrodes at specific neuroanatomical sites.

研究的局限性,在于缺乏长期的认知随访,以及身体或神经解剖学试验。Study limitations included lack of long-term cognitive follow-up and lack of physical or neuroanatomical testing.

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我们的发现证实了情感资讯的有意识和无意识之间,存在神经解剖学上的分离。Our findings confirm a neuroanatomical dissociation between conscious and unconscious processing of emotional information.

唐氏症和X染色体脆折症的神经解剖结构异常之处同是位于海马回和小脑。The neuroanatomical abnormalities common to both Down's syndrome and fragile X syndrome are in the hippocampus and cerebellum.

然而大脑中是否存在语音存储的特定部位及复述在语音回路中的作用还有很大的争论。However the neuroanatomical substrates of phonological store and the function of rehearsal in phonological loop remain underdetermined.

本研究检测了口吃者和非口吃者在说话相关皮层的神经解剖变化。This study examined the neuroanatomical differences in speech-related cortex between stutterers and nonstutterers using voxel-based morphometry.

旨在绘制脑部的内在功能拓扑图、评估神经解剖模型,以及研究神经学与精神学疾病。aims at mapping the intrinsic functional topography of the brain, evaluating neuroanatomical models, and investigating neurological and psychiatric disease.

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本文回顾了最新的工作记忆模型及其脑功能定位,语音回路的结构、功能及其脑区分布。This paper looks back the newest model and functional anatomy of working memory, the structure, function and neuroanatomical substrates of phonological loop.

上述内容也将体现神经解剖的研究方法和特点,并介绍现代神经解剖的最新成就和进展。The contents of this course embodies the means and traits for neuroanatomical research, and introduces the latest accomplishments and developments about neuroanatomy.

本文主要从生物学角度出发,从遗传学、神经内分泌学、行为学和神经解剖学方面综述了同性恋发生的神经内分泌机制。In this review, we primarily focus on the behavioral-neuroendocrine mechanism of development of homosexuality from genetic, neuroendocrine neuroanatomical and behavioral studies.

这个经典,简洁,充分说明了教科书的内容,简化神经集中的要点覆盖面和帮助学生学习的重要神经解剖学的事实和定义。This classic, succinct, well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts and definitions.