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大约二千九百万。About 29 million.

两百万美元。Two million dollars.

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她是个百里挑一的人。Shes one in a million.

下注,六百万,全押。Bet. Six million. All in.

门泊东吴万里船。Gate Park Wu million boat.

大约二千三百万。About twenty-three million.

她是个百里挑一的姑娘。She is a girl in a million.

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把目标定得比一百万高一些。Aim higher than one million.

九百万镑干什么的?。Nine million quid. For what?

大约二千万美元。About twenty million dollars.

而鹰的视网膜具有一百万个棒状细胞。An eagle has about a million.

他真是百里挑一。He is really one in a million.

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这是个知载难逢的机会。This is a chance in a million.

“六百万犹太人,”卡尔说。“Six million Jews, ” Cal said.

万佛山四季如画。Foshan picturesque four million.

万年求来的月老祝福。Million years of the matchmaker.

二弟各取千万。Taking the two million in money.

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而今天这个数字远超过一亿三千多万。Today more than 130 million are.

现在我们有多少人口,三亿吗What do we have now,300 million?

你肯定听了一万遍了。You've heard it a million times.