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谋求持久的不均衡。Seek persistent disequilibrium.

你必须要去寻求持续的不平衡。you need to seek persistent disequilibrium.

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没有人会因为外部原因而自杀,只有因为内部失衡才会自杀。No one commits suicide for external reasons, only because of inner disequilibrium.

人才供求如同商品市场一样,也存在一定的不平衡性。There lies disequilibrium in demand-supply of talent as well as on commodity market.

社会保险费改税付出的代价和取得的效益在整个制度变迁的进程中的分布将会是不均衡的。The gain and loss in process of the reform of the social insurance tax is disequilibrium.

但是死亡的星球可能也存在不平衡性,这只是个程度的问题,卡斯廷说。But dead planets can be in disequilibrium too, it’s only a matter of degree, says Kasting.

去年以来,西方各国经济的不平衡性异常突出。Conspicuous disequilibrium in economy of Western countries are manifested since last year.

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龋病是慢性感染性疾病,是口腔生态平衡失调的结果。Caries are chronic infectious diseases and the consequence of oral ecologic disequilibrium.

本文就是从失衡的原因方面也就是非均衡方面来分析中国的劳动力市场。This paper analyze the labor market unbalance which in fact is labor market disequilibrium.

然而随着如今资本的跨国转移变得更加便利,这种不均衡正在慢慢消失。With capital now easily able to cross borders, this disequilibrium is slowly being removed.

目的探讨低透析液流量血液透析方式对于预防透析失衡综合症的疗效。To investigate the preventive effect of low dialysate flow to dialysis disequilibrium syndrome.

文章从金融层面考察,分析了区域货币资金失衡的具体原因。Viewing the disequilibrium of regional capital at financial angle, we can find several reasons.

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建立了渗透力作用下滑坡稳定性评价的不平衡推力法。Disequilibrium push method is applied to stability evaluation of landslide under seepage forces.

但金融市场是典型的非对称信息市场,且经常处于非均衡状态。Capital market is characterized by asymmetric market information, and is often in a disequilibrium state.

葡萄酒中的苦味是由异戊醇与正丙醇失去平衡造成等等。The disequilibrium of isoamylol and normal propyl alcohol directly caused the bitterness in grape wine etc.

实行经济改革以来,大陆地区经济发展呈现不均衡状态。Since the start of economic reform, the economic development of mainland emerges in a state of disequilibrium.

奥地利学派的创业理论认为,市场非均衡提供了创业机会。Austrian theory of entrepreneurship suggests that market disequilibrium provides entrepreneurial opportunities.

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本文对放射性平衡破坏的几种可能情况给出了新的平衡系数表达式。This paper gives a new expression for U-Ra equilibrium coefficient to some possibilities of U-Ra disequilibrium.

文章首先通过理论分析表明,住房市场是一个非均衡的市场。Based on the theoretical research, the housing market is firstly considered as a disequilibrium market in the paper.

根据非均衡市场经济理论,从现代货币理论出发,对我国的货币需求和货币供给进行了建模分析。Based on modern monetary theory and disequilibrium market principal, the paper analyze China's money demand and money supply.