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专题地图是甚麽?What are thematic maps?

这就是我们所说的主题性释放。It's what we call a thematic rollout.

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网格专题地图显示美国高程。The grid thematic map of US Elevation displays.

主位结构包括主位和述位。Thematic structure consists of theme and rheme.

城市地图是专题地图的一个重要分支。City map is an important branch of thematic map.

这些包含了所有主题。This includes a whole range of thematic concerns.

专题地图图示一个专题或主题。Thematic maps illustrate a particular theme or topic.

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那些是常见的定量专题地图的例子?Are there examples of common quantitative thematic maps?

一是把各主题项目做好。First, we should prepare well for the thematic projects.

采用专题地图渲染生成方法,对信息数据进行可视化显示。The data is visualized using a thematic map rendering method.

查看随时间变化的变形通过若干专题地图。Show change over time by morphing through several thematic maps.

新闻穿透推特式的无序状态,直抵一个连贯的主题。Journalism cuts through the atwitter state to thematic coherence.

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主题墙以青石铁锈板呈不规则摆放。Thematic wall with bluestone ferruginous board show irregular put.

确定专题地图的内容是专题地图设计的一项首要工作。To determine map content is the first work for thematic map design.

生态景观制图是专题制图学的重要发展方向之一。Ecological landscape mapping is one of the fields of thematic mapping.

剧情在不断变换,的场景下不断上演。There is a kind of drum beat of thematic material as these scenes pile up.

这次的演唱会比之前的更有主题性,为什麽会有这样的变化?。This show seems more thematic than your previous concerts. Why the change?

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克莱文森•德奥利维拉的艺术无论是在形式还是在内容上都具有多重方向。Cleverson de Oliveira's art veers in a myriad of formal and thematic directions.

这样的词叫做关键词,一个反复出现的词语便能表明主题。leitwort Such a word is called a leitwort, A recurring word that becomes thematic.

近几年世博会相继推出主题秀演出,并成为世博会文化演艺活动的亮点。In recent World Expos, thematic shows became the highlights of Expo cultural activities.