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警方审讯了奥斯瓦德两天。Police questioned Oswald for two days.

杀死奥斯瓦尔德的这名男子叫杰克·鲁比。The man who killed Oswald was Jack Ruby.

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他断定奥斯瓦德有点不正常。He concluded that Oswald was somewhat abnormal.

委员会推断出奥维德单独行动。The commission concluded that Oswald acted alone.

瑞银首席执行官郭儒博已经为此辞职。UBS chief Oswald Grubel has resigned as head of UBS.

如果奥斯瓦尔德真的是单独行动,那么是受谁的指使?And if Oswald did act alone, who gave him the orders?

根据我表兄斯奈德的叙述,奥斯瓦德提到过这件事。According to Snyder, my cousin, Oswald mentioned this matter.

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李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德在肯尼迪被射击的案发地点附近的一座大楼里工作。Lee Harvey Oswald worked in a building near where Kennedy had been shot.

谁会对埋在廉价墓地里,奥斯华这个名字下的李·哈维·奥斯华感到悲伤?Who grieves for Lee Harvey Oswald buried in a cheap grave under the name Oswald?

可以确定的是,奥斯瓦德有嫌疑杀害他的部下。It was certain that Oswald might have a subconscious desire to injure his underling.

这是李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德的著名照片,他被杰克谋杀。This is a famous picture of Lee Harvey Oswald who was being assassinated by Jack Ruby.

他说他开枪杀死奥斯瓦尔德是为了让他免遭肯尼迪家族的严刑拷打。He said he shot Oswald to prevent the Kennedy family from having to live through a trial.

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与此同时,一些专家认为奥斯沃德其实真正想射杀的是德克萨斯州长约翰·康纳利。Meanwhile, some experts say that Oswald was really aiming for Texas Governor John Connally.

眼尖的人能够发现,在迪斯尼主题公园里已有奥斯瓦尔德的纪念品在售。Oswald already features in Disney merchandise and can be spotted by the eagle-eyed at the theme parks.

不过奥斯瓦德强调研究只是针对普通大众,不见得适用于所有人。But Oswald stressed that the research looked at the average person, and could not account for everyone.

奥斯瓦尔德·斯宾格勒是现代德国著名的历史学家、文化学家和哲学家。Oswald Spengler is a famous historian, culture scientist and philosophy anthropologist in modern German.

德国著名的悲观主义者有哲学家叔本华、历史学家奥斯瓦德·施本格勒。Other gloomy German thinkers have included Schopenhauer and the historian Oswald Spengler, experts noted.

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几年前,奥斯沃德搬到离办公室更近的地方,将路上的时间从60分钟减少到20分钟。A few years ago, Prof. Oswald moved closer to his office, slashing his commuting time from 60 to 20 minutes.

奥斯韦德教授认为这项研究成果的贡献在于确认了即使是重度抑郁的人也不会停止攀比。"What our study shows, rather remarkably, is that is it also true of the extremely depressed," Oswald noted.

在米奇史诗游戏里,奥斯瓦尔德成为在米奇出生之前卡通荒原中最早的居民。In the Epic Mickey game, Oswald becomes the earliest inhabitant of Cartoon Wasteland after Mickey is created.