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车道边上甚至还有行道树,帮我挡了风。It's even lined with trees that act as a windbreak.

沿海边的树木是很好的防风林。The woods along the coast provide a good windbreak.

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在每个防风林中应该至少有两条防线。There should be at least two lines in each windbreak.

每片防护林最少应该有两条线。There should be at least two lines in each windbreak.

在每一个防风林至少有两排树木或植物。They There should be at least two lines in each windbreak.

防风林一定要选用高大的树木品种。Big and tall trees must be chosen to establish windbreak forests.

宏伟的松树林沿着花园组成了一面防风墙。An imposing pine grove formed a windbreak along the edge of the garden.

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防风林是由树木和其它植物形成的屏障。Windbreak Windbreaks are barriers fronged formed by trees and other plants.

余压缩及解压缩我国雨夹克,在不同的时间,但将其作为防风林。I zipped and unzipped my rain jacket at different times, but had to keep it on as a windbreak.

防风霞多丽是一个甜美,具有成熟的青苹果梨和激烈的葡萄酒口味的结构。Windbreak Chardonnay is a luscious, structured wine with intense flavors of ripe pear and green apple.

在沙漠中铺设草方格是防风固沙的有效手段,草方格铺设装置是自动高效铺设草方格的设备。Pave the straw checkerboard barriers in the desert is a efficient measure of windbreak and sand fixation.

冬季由于受两条交叉林带的影响,两个测点的防风效应基本一致。The windbreak effect in two sites got same results in in winter due to the cross of the two shelterbelts.

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提出了沿海防护林体系背负的使命和发展中的问题及对策。It points out the mission of coastal windbreak system, the problems in development and the countermeasures.

虽然刺山柑的群落结果比较简单。但它是一种比较优良的防风固沙植物。Capparis Spinosa L is a good material for windbreak and fixation sand in despite of simple community structure.

本文研究了不同作物留茬和建设农田防护林对遏制农田土壤风蚀的效应。The effects of the stubble of different crops and farmland windbreak on controlling farmland soil erosion are studied.

防风固沙林体系的建设应突出天然植被的封育管护。Priority should be given to the natural vegetation restoration through enclosure when establishing windbreak system here.

一个很容易记的方法是,防护林可以保护的区域相当于它里面最高树木高度的十倍。An easy rule to remember is that windbreaks can protect areas up to ten times the height of the tallest trees in the windbreak.

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我公司在结合国内外防风抑尘墙的技术,不断开发新的产品为广大客户提供帮助。I companies in and abroad windbreak dust-controlling wall technology and develop new products for our customers to provide help.

短裤与风衣的组合率性俐落,嫩绿色泽与绣花点缀甜美春意。Sharper associate between the shorts and windbreak , the vivid green color intersperse the sweet spring in the air with embroidering.

海南“达维”台风后,对万宁市地区丁香园防风林和丁香树风害进行了调查分析。Windbreak of Syzygium aromaticum orchard and wind damage of clove were investigated in Wanning City after typhoon "Dawei" attacked Hainan.