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它看起来一点都不唐突。It seems pretty unobtrusive.

舒适、稳定而无阻碍的头戴设计。Confortable, stable and unobtrusive headband design.

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厨师的薄唇一弯,露出一丝不易察觉的微笑。A small, unobtrusive smile curved the cook's thin lips.

该酒因其温和的口感、淡淡的花香和爽脆的味道而著名。It is known for its mild, unobtrusive bouquet, and a crisp flavor.

使用小图标来显示程序的状态信息。Use badging to convey status information in an unobtrusive manner.

这个无声无息的房客便是冉阿让,年轻姑娘便是珂赛特。This unobtrusive tenant was Jean Valjean, the young girl was Cosette.

中兴公司主要生产价格低廉、性能可靠、比较低调的设备。ZTE focuses on making equipment that is cheap, reliable and unobtrusive.

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两个小家伙一直兴奋又乖巧的守在厨房边。Two little guys have been excited and unobtrusive the guard at the kitchen side.

淡山茱萸粉这一微妙的粉色并不显眼,但它使人散发出温柔、健康的气息。The unobtrusive Pale Dogwood is a subtle pink whose soft touch infuses a healthy glow.

要使得脚本无侵入,接下来的步骤是决定何时以及如何包含它们。The next step in making your scripts unobtrusive is deciding when and how to include them.

他说,非洲司令部总部及其配置人员将会"人数较少,且尽量不引人注目"。The AFRICOM headquarters and staff would be “small and as unobtrusive as possible,” he said.

而减饱和后期,这种衰减速率上的差异又趋于不明显。At the last stage of de-saturation, the difference of the decreasing rate became unobtrusive.

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只是,这些礼物所代表的过去,会带给安希、又谦和彦泽什么样的变化呢?Just, these gifts represent the past, will bring inchy, unobtrusive YanZe what kind of change?

本文不可能是关于如何以一种低调的方式开发应用程序的一个面面俱到的参考资料。It is by no means an exhaustive resource on how to develop applications in an unobtrusive manner.

一个小功能也使得深入地挖掘主题更简单和不显眼在这个程序中。One small feature also makes digging deeper within topics easy and unobtrusive to workflow within the app.

简洁的用户界面让你轻松设置标签,对各个列表和项目进行评论和评分。A slick, unobtrusive interface makes it easy to tag wishlists, comment on items and lists, and rate products.

拼图缝合成皮革或帆布,是一个不引人注目地表明所有权,并以个性化。Monograms stitched into the leather or canvas is an unobtrusive way to show ownership and also to personalize.

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摄影记者必须尽量避免影响正在发生的新闻事件,在一些场合可以考虑使用长镜头。Photographers should be as unobtrusive as possible to avoid influencing events and consider using long lenses.

其余部分主要由与该给予酸在不显眼的白兰地最后邮票丹宁甜头。The remaining part is dominated by sweet taste with unobtrusive tannins that give the final stamp of acid in the brandy.

传感器直径只有0.75英寸,深0.875英寸,可以简单的安装在任何模具当中,还不会被发现。The sensor's small size of 0.75 inches in diameter and 0.875 inches deep easily allows for unobtrusive mounting in any mold.