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号角声和锣鼓声回荡山谷。The trumpets and drums resound.

他的名字将万古流芳。His name will resound through ages.

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大声赞美,口唱连心和。Shout of His praise, let the heart resound.

撕心裂肺的呼喊还在我的耳旁。In my ears the grieved shouts still resound.

如果我不需要你那么为什么你的名字在我脑海中回响?If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?

它们在令人难以忘怀的镜头中回响,给予影片以鲜活的生命。They resound through the haunting scenes and give life to the scenery.

我们的赞美诗中响起了诅咒上帝的旋律,永远是在忍受他。Our hymn-books resound with a melodious cursing of God and enduring Him forever.

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巧儿一个云氏大挪移,只听到惨叫响彻天际。Qiao son a cloud surname greatly moves to move, hears bellow to resound through horizon.

思维会受到复杂课题的吸引,这些课题还跟深邃的情绪起回响。The mind is attracted to complex issues which resound with profundity and emotional depth.

唱歌的正是莴苣姑娘,她在寂寞中只好靠唱歌来打发时光。This was Rapunzel, who in her solitude passed her time in letting her sweet voice resound.

再晚些,灌木上的露珠开始闪烁,不久,潜水鸟的叫声就会在水面上回荡起来。Late evening dew glistened on every bush and soon the loon's call would resound across the water.

再晚些,灌木上的露珠开始闪烁,不久,潜水鸟的叫声就会在水面上回荡起来。Late evening dew glistened on every bush and soon the loons' call would resound across the water.

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尽管听起来可能有些怪异,但真若调降评级,或许只是在金融市场掀起小小涟漪,而非轩然大波.Strange as it may sound, a downgrade could resound in financial markets more with a whimper than a bang.

即使巨大的回音尽情震响,坐在摇篮边的年轻妈妈也总能听见那脚步和语声走来。Let greater echoes resound as theywould, the young mother at the cradle side could always hear thosecoming.

愿海洋和其中一切,愿岛屿和其上的居民赞美他!Let the sea and all that it holds, let the coastlands and their inhabitants resound with song and praise of him.

我们无话不说,相互帮助,共同进步。一种甜甜的滋味在我们的心中回荡。We do not have words to say the least help each other make progress together. A sweet taste in our hearts resound.

如今,中国一线城市的大部分地区都回响着落钟破碎机和手枪钻的声音。To this day, large sections of China’s major cities resound with the noise of the wrecking ball and the jackhammer.

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带斑点的囊地鼠悄悄爬出洞穴企立,草原上回响着它们的嘘嘘声。The speckled gophers crept out of their holes, sat on their hind legs, and made the steppe resound with their whistle.

本周,佩林将向2012年总统选举发起连续攻击,其震耳欲聋的枪声将回荡在整个美国。This week America will resound to the deafening roar of automatic rifle fire being discharged by Palin across its airwaves.

现在街道和全国土地回响的thugga-thugga节奏stickered行动Imprezas与垃圾桶大小排出的废气。And now high streets across the land resound to the thugga-thugga beat of stickered-up Imprezas with dustbin-sized exhausts.