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苔藓植物对酸沉降的反应较为敏感。Bryophyte is sensitive to acid sedimentation.

新疆苔藓植物系统、全面的研究起步较晚。The study of bryophyte in Xinjiang has become relatively late.

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本文综述了苔藓植物对大气污染的指示作用。This article summarized the indicating function of bryophyte to air pollution.

尤其是在新疆苔藓植物生态学和多样性方面的研究仍处于空白状态。Especially, the research of bryophyte ecology and bio diversity are still in blank field.

苔藓植物对大气及重金属污染反应非常明显,可以作为良好的生物指示剂。Bryophyte can sensitively response to the air and heavy metal pollution, and is a kind of bio-indicators.

本文介绍了新疆苔藓植物研究的现状、存在的问题及对今后研究工作的展望。This paper mainly deals with the present situation, problems and prospect of bryophyte research in Xinjiang.

应用相似性系数分析方法,对新疆阿勒泰山天山地衣植物区系间的相似性进行定量研究。In this paper, coefficient of similarity analysis was used to study flora similarity of mountain bryophyte in Xinjiang.

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DNA是遗传信息的载体,直接对DNA核苷酸排列顺序的分析和比较是研究苔藓分子系统学的最彻底和最理想的方法。DNA is the carrier of genetic information and sequencing and comparison of DNA nucleotides are the thorough and ideal method for bryophyte molecular phylogenesis.

苔藓植物是公认的最为敏感的大气污染指示植物之一,它具有灵敏、精确和直接等特点,现已被广泛应用于生物监测环境重金属污染研究领域。Bryophyte is widely accepted as one of the most susceptible indicators for monitoring air pollution due to its characteristics of sensitivity, accuracy, and directness.

从分析结果还可知,新疆三工河流域苔藓植物的种类和生活型类型是比较丰富的,反映出该流域独特而复杂的苔藓植物多样性特点。The results also show that bryophyte life forms in Sangong River Valley are relatively rich, which indicates the biodiversity characteristics of bryophyte in this valley.

林下小环境空间异质性强,苔藓斑块数目多,景观斑块破碎化程度高。The heterogeneity level of microenvironment conditions under the forest was high, the number of bryophyte patch was numerous, which means the fragmentation level was high.

对小溪国家级自然保护区苔藓植物标本307号进行鉴定、分析,其共有41科,83属,152种和4亚种3变种。From 307 bryophyte specimens collected from Xiaoxi National Nature Reserve Hunan province, 41families, 83 genera, 152 species, 4 subspecies and 3 varieties have been identified.

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苔藓植物是一种形体微小、结构简单的高等植物,是水生向陆生的一种过渡形式,是高等植物中最原始的类群。Bryophyte is a kind of higher plants with small size and simple structure, being the transitional form from aquatic to terrestrial and the most original group of existing higher plants.

苔藓植物有很强的吸水、保水能力,尤其是树附生苔藓植物能够吸收很大部分的降水,其水文作用相当明显。It has a very strong ability of holding and absorbing water, especially the epiphytic bryophyte can intercept a great deal of rain, and its function in water circulation is very obvious.

所以对内蒙古柳叶藓科进行全面系统的分类,地理分布,区系成分研究,对于深入了解内蒙古苔藓植物多样性及特点有重要的科学意义。Therefore it is of importance for understanding bryophyte diversity and its characteristics to study systematically on Inner Mongolia Amblystegiaceae's taxonomy, floristics and distribution character.