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②必须达到着火点。Must achieve the kindling point.

那块木头已劈成了木柴。The log has slivered into kindling.

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苦雨浸透着燃火的干柴堆。Bitter rain soaks the pile of kindling twigs.

小女孩用擦着的火柴点引火物。The girl touched a lighted match to the kindling.

这意外出现的火种就是灵感。The kindling to happen along is exactly the inspiration.

纸张燃烧很快并且很热,可以让劈柴开始很好的燃烧。The paper burns fast and hot, giving the kindling a good start.

然后,考虑一下用户用于参与社区网络的时间。Then consider the amount of time users spend kindling their networks.

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将报纸弄皱攒成球状,把它们和劈柴放在一起。Crumple a few sheets into balls and place them in with piles of kindling.

因此,硒元素被称为“生命的火种,健康的卫士”。Therefore, selenium is called "the kindling of life" and "bodyguard of health".

这些细节是日常谈话的材料和人际关系的引火柴。These details are the fabric of everyday conversations and the kindling for relationships.

但近三周的超干燥天气,基本上使土地变成了易燃物。But nearly three weeks of super-dry weather have basically turned the ground into kindling.

任何话题一开始他能迅如夏日闪电般立即闪出启迪心灵的想象力,而这一想象力又在何处?。where the kindling fancy that played like summer lightning over any topic that was started?

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小红母鸡正从门里出来要拾几根小树枝要给木头引火。The little Red Hen was just coming out of her door to pick up a few sticks for kindling wood.

煤砖,炭砖把煤灰,木炭或锯木灰和木片压缩制成的砖块状物,用作燃料和点火。A block of compressed coal dust, charcoal, or sawdust and wood chips, used for fuel and kindling.

最好首先用引火柴和小枝子来给余烬加料,直到火再次燃烧起来。Better to feed the embers first with kindling and small branches until the fire is roaring again.

居民用煤炭制品是指煤球、煤饼、蜂窝煤和引火炭。Coal products for residents refer to briquet , coal cake, honeycomb briquette and kindling charcoal.

成功制备了大鼠PTZ化学性点燃和杏仁核电刺激性点燃两种慢性癫痫模型。PTZ chemical kindling and amygdala electrical kindling models in rats were established successfully.

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鼻内给予苯巴比妥的抗惊厥效能通过杏仁核点燃模型来测定。The anticonvulsant efficacy of intranasal phenobarbital was determined in the amygdala kindling model.

骗与被骗都是由于心中的火种而燃烧出不同的火焰。Be deceived into and be deceived into being kindling since at heart but burning out the different flame.

他讲述了在生火的引子用完之后他是如何用这个杂志来引火的。He told about how he had used the magazine to start fires sometimes when the kindling had been exhausted.