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你应该剪一剪你的脚趾甲了。You should cut your toenail.

为什么大象把脚指甲染成红色?Why do elephants paint their toenail red?

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所以,像脚趾甲向内生长这种问题就会增多。Thus the problems like ingrown toenail arises.

不要试图自己减或者把弯曲的指甲挖出来。Do not try to cut or dig out the curving toenail.

他剪了手指甲但忘了剪脚趾甲…He cut his fingers but forgot to cut his toenail.

甲周皮围绕手指甲或脚指甲的表面组织边缘。The border of epidermal tissue surrounding a fingernail or toenail.

手指甲或脚指甲从根部长到指尖约需6个月。A fingernail or toenail takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip.

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甲真菌病手指甲或脚趾甲从指甲床分离或松脱。The separation or loosening of a fingernail or toenail from its nail bed.

要治疗头皮屑,你可以通过按摩大拇趾趾甲背后的一小点区域。To cure dandruff, you massage the little spot just behind your big toenail.

发现指甲中尼古丁含量水平是预测肺癌的重要指示。Toenail nicotine levels were found to be a strong predictor of lung cancer.

如果它似乎是沉闷或缺乏光泽,这也是一个趾甲真菌的症状。If it seems to be dull or lacking luster, this is also a toenail fungus symptom.

那么您可能患有灰指甲,也称为甲真菌病。Then perhaps you suffer from onychomycosis, a condition also known as toenail fungus.

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用漱口水溶液浸泡双脚可以根除脚气。Toenail fungus can be eliminated by soaking your feet in a bath of Listerine mouthwash.

最近我脚趾脱皮,发痒,脚趾甲有点腐烂了,怎么回事啊?Recently my toe desquamate, scratchy , toenail decayed a bit, how to return a responsibility?

所有患者趾甲手术应该得到适当的教育以及相关术后护理。All patients undergoing toenail surgery should receive appropriate education regarding postoperative care.

目的探讨趾嵌趾甲的病因,介绍一种新的手术治疗方法。Objective To study etiological factors of ingrowing toenail and introduce a new method of surgical therapy.

用本法测定了人趾甲样品的微量铁、钴、镍和钢,获得了满意的结果。Trace iron, cobalt, nickel, cadmium, in toenail were determined by using that method with satisfactory results.

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是指脚指甲生长到肉中,指甲内嵌生长可引起疼痛,红肿或是感染。A toenail that has grown into the skin, an ingrown toenail can result in pain, redness, swelling, even infection.

由于存在那么多可怕的微生物,因而很难找到对付脚趾甲真菌病,即治脚癣的有效方法。With all those scary microbes out there, it's hard to get worked up over a toenail fungus or a case of athlete's foot.

呵护趾甲脚趾甲经常被忽略,但从健康角度考虑,它们比手指甲更需要呵护。Caress toenail toenail often by oversight, health angle considers Dan Congjian, they need to caress more than fingernail.