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伤口开始结痂了。The cut began to scab.

他永远不会做一个工贼。He would never become a scab.

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血痂已变硬了。The blood scab has stiffened.

那我每根脚趾上都会留下一个痂。I'll have a scab on every toe.

疤痕形成时会发生什么?What happens when a scab forms?

也许它去追萝拉和加布了?。Maybe he went after Lola and Scab?

他想雇我破坏罢工,被我拒绝了。He wanted to scab me, but I refused.

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别揭那个痂,要不然会流血的。Don't pick the scab or it will bleed.

那个孩子用指甲剥掉了伤疤。The child picked at the scab on his knee.

只能让痂片自然脱落。Will only make the scab pieces come off naturally.

悲伤好象是帮助愈合的结痂。It is as if grief is the scab that permits healing.

你可以看到,这张蛋白质和血小板构成的网就是所结的痂。This net of protein and platelets is the scab you see.

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能想象加布和贝贝对话是啥样的吗?。Could you imagine a conversation between Scab and Bebe?

别用手去抓疮痂,要不然你的伤口总好不了。Do stop picking at that scab or the cut will never heal.

高压溶出过程,结疤的产生是不可避免的。Scab is unavoidable in the process of high-pressure digestion.

可是羔羊的癣疥应当使牧人却步吗?Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil?

可是羔羊的疥癣应当使牧羊人却步吗?。Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil?

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“丢了宝剑,”罗恩重复道,“那个骗人的小无赖……”"No sword, " repeated Ron. "That double-crossing little scab . . . "

现在揭开小伤疤,是为了以后不出现大伤疤。Now uncover the small scab is for the big scabs ' disappearance later.

但在他的内心深处,他是同情罢工者并且憎恨这个“工贼”的。In his heart, he sympathised with the strikers and hated this "scab. ""