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她的头发很凌乱。Her hair is untidy.

我的房间看起来很不整洁。My room looks very untidy.

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这卧室太不整洁了。The bedroom's very untidy.

我不能在不整洁的环境中工作。I can't work under untidy circumstances.

这房子太不整洁了,我对此感到很难为情。I felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was.

老师对于凌乱的作业对我们全部喋喋不休地训斥。The teacher harangued us all about our untidy work.

她的黑发散乱地飘拂在宽阔的脑门子上。Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead.

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我的弟弟不梳头发,他的头发不整洁。My brother doesn't comb his hair. His hair is untidy.

英格拉姆一只手梳理着他那永远也理不齐的蓬乱的红发。Ingram ran a hand through his perpetually untidy red hair.

一名穿着邋遢的人穿着又脏又不整洁的衣服。Scruffily dressed person is wearing dirty and untidy clothes.

人的七情六欲,都隐藏在乱发遮掩的脑袋里。We conceal our feelings and desires in the head with untidy hair.

我不喜欢不整洁的人,因为我本人是很干净整齐的。I do not like people who are untidy because I am very tidy person.

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我是在伦敦郊外的一个狭小凌乱的咖啡馆遇见她的。I met her in a small, untidy coffeehouse on the outskirts of London.

每次我打扫完房间,它都会自己变乱,真奇怪。Every time I clean up my room, it goes untidy itself. It's so strange.

屋子很乱,请原谅,萨姆。房间里里乱七八糟的。我们正在收拾手提箱。Excuse the mess, Sam. This room's very untidy. We're packing our suitcases.

我是一个不修边幅的人,别指望我打扮给你看。I be a slovenly and untidy person, don't hope me to dress up to let you see.

芦苇也稀疏起来,它们被风霜编织成许多凌乱的篓筐似的小洲。And the reeds are going, woven1 by wind and frost into untidy basket islands.

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另外一个有点看头的“圈量子引力”,也还是乱糟糟。Other potential avenues, such as loop quantum gravity, are also proving untidy.

这间办公室的主人是一个叫V.M.Williamson的,这是个不整洁的家伙。The occupant of this office is one V. M.Williamson, and he’s a very untidy guy.

男孩和他的父母因长发和不整洁的衣着吵了起来。The boy was at loggerheads with his parents over his long hair and untidy clothes.