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哥伦布交换在现代继续发挥作用。The Columbian Exchange continues to this day.

而体型较大的哥伦比亚猛犸则生活在较远的南方。The larger Columbian mammoth lived further south.

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哥伦布交换也招致其它代价。The Columbian Exchange carried other costs as well.

我希望你以满足哥伦比亚超级模型卡拉奥萨。I would like you to meet Columbian super model Carla Ossa.

是哥伦布交换导致奴役制度在美洲大陆出现的吗?Did the Columbian Exchange cause chattel slavery in the Americas?

但是,正在继续进行的哥伦布交换的负面问题也同样尖锐。But the downside of the ongoing Columbian Exchange is equally stark.

下一个踢进乌龙球的哥伦比亚球员将会面临着被河马践踏的惩罚。The next Columbian player who own-goals will be trampled by a hippo.

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所有这些疑问都以关键的方式与哥伦布交换相关联。All of these questions are tied in crucial ways to the Columbian Exchange.

在大不列颠王国创立过程中,哥伦布交换扮演的的角色更直接。Much more direct was the role of the Columbian Exchange in the creation of Great Britain.

他的航行队伍第一次看见陆地的那天前也被称做美洲史上的前哥伦布时代。The period prior to the day his crew first spotted land is known as pre- Columbian American history.

英国哥伦布市是世界上最适宜居住城市票选排行榜上的常客。The British Columbian city is consistently voted as one of the most desirable cities in the world to live.

科学家们发现了遗传学上的证据,可能证明生活在美洲的长毛猛犸和哥伦比亚猛犸发生过种间交配。Woolly and Columbian mammoths, two species of elephant that once lived in North America, may have interbred.

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早在哥伦布到来之前,印加部落早已在这里建立了他们的城市。The antique site is believed to have been constructed by the Inca tribe just before the arrival of Columbian.

作为1893年世界哥伦比亚的建设领导人,伯纳姆因为发展白色城市而闻名。As Chief of Construction for the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, Burnham was known for developing the White City.

获奖的热情爱尔兰人是使用上好的哥伦布咖啡,黑棕糖和醇香的爱尔兰威士忌手工制成。The award winning Hot Irishman is hand crafted using the finest columbian coffee, dark brown sugar and mellow Irish Whiskey.

曾经是拍卖行哥伦布时期文化专家的雅克·布雷兹坚持这尊雕塑的真实性,称已有一千多年的历史。Once the auction Columbian cultural experts insist Jacques Breeze statue's authenticity, saying more than a thousand years of history.

同时发现的还有五头乳齿象、三头冰河期野牛和一只少年哥伦比亚猛犸象的遗骸,以及植物和昆虫。Partial remains of five mastodons, three Ice Age bison and a juvenile Columbian mammoth, as well as plant matter and insects, have also been found.

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世界哥伦比亚博览会,或称为芝加哥世博会,庆祝了克里斯托弗哥伦布抵达美洲400周年。The World's Columbian Exposition, or the Chicago World's Fair, commemorated the 400-year anniversary of Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Americas.

哥伦比亚祖母绿已发现在考古挖掘可以追溯到前哥伦布时代,从1200年的,作为文物,如晶体设置在黄金。Columbian emeralds have been found in archeological digs dating back to pre-Columbian times, from the 1200's, as artifacts such as crystals set in gold.

技艺高超的哥伦比亚艺术家费德里科•乌里韦在帆布上用不同色彩的鞋带精心拼接创作,大约一个月可以完成一件作品。Skilled Columbian artist Federico Uribe painstakingly arranges and pins the different colored shoelaces to a canvas and spends up to a month on each piece.