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他以微笑解除了她的窘态。He smiled away her embarrassment.

及时缝一针,免得再走光。A stich in time saves embarrassment.

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他没法掩盖自己的窘态。He could not hide his embarrassment.

他窘得脸都红了。His face flushed with embarrassment.

我的脸因为困窘而发热了。My face went hot with embarrassment.

我窘得脸都红了。My face turned red with embarrassment.

然而,这种窘境终究会熬过去的。That embarrassment will pass, however.

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那姑娘窘得涨红了脸。That girl is aflame with embarrassment.

我希望我能除掉我的窘态。I wish I could shake off my embarrassment.

通过所囿的伤痛与尴尬后。Through all of the pain and embarrassment.

这种微笑处于尴尬或压力。This is a smile of embarrassment or stress.

她做了一个鬼脸来掩饰她的窘态。She pulled a face to hide her embarrassment.

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你的笑话解除了她不必要的焦虑。Your joke spared her needless embarrassment.

难堪正是垮掉的一代所重视的东西。Embarrassment is something that the Beats value.

我只是笑着来掩饰我的窘态。I camouflaged my embarrassment by just laughing.

对于他的尴尬,他们暗自窃喜。They were secretly delighted at his embarrassment.

“买鞋时发出难闻的脚臭”般的尴尬。"pungent foot odor in the shoe store"embarrassment.

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他能感到自己因为尴尬而脸红了。He could feel his face reddening with embarrassment.

他窘迫得脸上红一块白一块。His face was mottled red and white with embarrassment.

装模作样,尴尬和害怕都能使人微笑。Smugness, embarrassment and fear can all cause smiles.