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眼球是身体中唯一接近空腔球体的视觉器官。The eye is a slightly asymmetrical hollow sphere.

额外的潇洒和舒适适合不对称的鞋带设计。Asymmetrical lacing design for extra pizazz and a snug fit.

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直男和拉拉都拥有不对称大脑半球。Straight men and lesbians have asymmetrical brain hemispheres.

她喜欢谈论对称和纰谬称的三角形。She likes to talk about symmetrical and asymmetrical triangles.

她喜欢谈论对称和不对称的三角形。She likes to talk about symmetrical and asymmetrical triangles.

对成平衡的设计可以以服装的模式来实现。Asymmetrical balance might be achieved by the garment's pattern.

不同于国际象棋或跳棋,塔夫尔是一种非对称战略游戏。Unlike Chess or Checkers, Tafl is an asymmetrical strategy game.

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百对称的细带,有松紧,更合脚。Asymmetrical sling-back strap with elastic for a comfortable fit.

这个概念车是不对称的3个铝制座椅。The car is an asymmetrical 3-seater resting on an aluminum frame.

其中一个功率管工作在B类,另一个必须工作在非对称的A类。When one is of Class B the other must be of asymmetrical Class A.

一个就是它会有不对称分裂One is that it's capable of something called asymmetrical division.

以上说的就是不对称分裂,是干细胞的性质之一So that's asymmetrical division and that's a property of stem cells.

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在一边肩膀上加一点戏剧性的梳妆服装来增加分歧错误称性。Add a touch of drama to your look with one-shoulder asymmetrical looks.

这种不对称分裂的一个结果,是产生定向的祖细胞One result of this asymmetrical division is a committed progenitor cell.

在膝盖以上的非对称哼哼支安打放在前面,后面是完整的。Asymmetrical hem hits above the knee at front and is full-length at back.

不对称的平衡的图形设计是一种动态的、美丽的。In graphic design too asymmetrical balance is a dynamic, beautiful thing.

从不对称战争到非对称的电影制作水平,谁曾想到呢?From asymmetrical war to asymmetrical film making. Who would have thunk it.

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引进权函数使本方法简单地过渡到非对称问题。A weight function is introduced to expand this method into asymmetrical region.

差动缸液压伺服系统往复运动是非对称的。The reciprocating motion of differential cylinder servo system is asymmetrical.

这只有在常规战争中成立,在不对称冲突中又是另一回事了。Only in conventional combat. Asymmetrical conflicts, however, are another story.