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不知道,那一刻的陈彤是怎么想的?Do not know, that momently how does Chen Tong think?

安成功帮忙找到了书,而她似乎也在那一刻坠入爱河。How to help successfully found a book, and she also falls in love momently in that it seems that.

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那一刻间,他的真情流露,无法掩饰的悲伤让他流泪了。That momently , his the real situation is revealed, the sadness that cannot conceal let him weep.

该系统应用在鞍钢1700连轧机生产线中,能够实时、准确地跟踪轧线上钢坯所在位置。The system can exact and momently tracks steel brick position on 1700 heating belt steel mill of Angang.

自从MP3音乐诞生的那一刻起,唱片公司与互联网企业就成了一对冤家。Since what MP3 music is born that rises momently , record company and Internet enterprise became a pair of enemy.

在寒冷地区的冬季,用输油管道输油时,通过常年冻土地带的管线,其输送的油中的水会在管内壁结冰,严重时会发生冰堵事故。Ice jam of pipes for transporting oil and gas in winter threatens momently the safety running of petrochemical units in cold area.

直到婚礼前一刻,设计师汉娜仍在对“卫生纸婚纱”进行贴补,确保万无一失。Till wedding before momently , StylistHan Na still is opposite " bumf marriage gauze " undertake subsidizing, ensure no risk at all.

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而无意间得知真相的小澄,在上手术台的前一刻坚持拒绝接受手术。And what be informed the truth accidentally is small settleclear, in begin art stage before insist to reject to accept an operation momently.

国内数百万玩家每天24小时在为美国暴雪公司工作,时时刻刻按动电脑键盘为其创造利润。Domestic millions player is working 24 hours for American blizzard company everyday, press momently move computer clavier to create profit for its.

他没有公开的敌视行为,没有一句责备的话,却使我能立刻相信,我已得不到他的欢心。Without one overt act of hostility, one upbraiding word he contrived to impress me momently with the conviction that I was put beyond the pale of his favour.

曾经的恋人相见自是几多尴尬,而原以为早已平淡和忘却的情感竟在见面的一刻复燃。Once the lover meets naturally a few awkwardness, and feel already insipid to with what forget affection is meeting unexpectedly formerly momently resume combustion.

因此,她一刻不停地从她住的发鸠山上衔了一粒小石子,或是一段小树枝,展翅高飞,一直飞到东海。Therefore, she keeps momently ground of hair from her living on hatoyama pass grain of small stones, or a paragraph of small branches, fly, always fly to the east China sea.