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他吃了面包,把笔记本打开。He ate the roll and opened the pocketbook.

岛居生活很少有诱人解囊的刺激。Island life promised few temptations to the pocketbook.

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事实上,美国方面的反应带来的不只是钱袋之痛。In fact, the U.S. reaction reflects more than pain in the pocketbook.

您的东西全在里面,除了一只小皮夹子,上面有您名字的起首字母。It's all there except for a little pocketbook with your monogram on it.

有人从她肩上抢走了手提包,还把她的外套扯破。Someone grabbed her pocketbook off her shoulder, ripping her coat open.

该公司只是很多希望利用中国雄厚资金的众多美国公司中的一个。Boston-Power is just one of many U.S. companies tapping China's pocketbook.

奈特能来上课跟他殷实的荷包可能有点关系。Mr. Knight's access to classes may have something to do with his pocketbook.

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你即将去碰触许多大夫神经最脆弱的地方-他们的钱包。You're about to touch a number of doctors on their tenderest nerve-the pocketbook.

我一直在想,如果我当时返回办公室去取没有随身带好的钱包,结果会怎样?I’ve always wondered if I hadn’t taken my pocketbook with me, if I would have gone back for it.

鲍里•嘎吐纯粹出于习惯,心里在盘算着他怎样才能倏地一下把那个胀鼓鼓的钱包抢到手。From sheer habit Paulie Gatto wondered just how he could go about hijacking that fat pocketbook.

纯粹是出于职业习惯,保利“盖托在想如何能把那个肥肥的钱包偷到。From sheer habit Paulie Gatto wondered just how he could go about hi jacking that fat pocketbook.

而我,刚才流畅地讲到宽恕,现在手却在手袋里摸索着,并没有去握他的手。And I, who had spoken so glibly of forgiveness, fumbled in my pocketbook rather than take that hand.

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自那天起,这样的疑问就一直萦绕在我的脑海,毕竟和很多女性一样,你我都会觉得钱包简直和生命一样重要。It’s a question from that day because, like so many women, you feel your life is in your pocketbook.

南果梨是鞍山地区特产,是当地农民的主要经济来源。The Nanguo pear is the specialty of Anshan region and also the main pocketbook of the local farmers.

轻松休闲游,是一项新的旅游航线,它航行到希腊。作为这条旅游线路成为“休闲”是基于经济的考虑。EasyCruise, a new cruise line which sails around Greece, makes a cruise trip "easy" on the pocketbook too.

对我们这种还没富裕到万事不愁的家庭来说,养儿育女为家庭财政带来了无情的重压。For those of us who aren't independently wealthy, that puts unrelenting pressure on the family pocketbook.

当然,没必要在所有商品上还价,但你可以在某些商品上还一下价,你的钱夹会感谢你的。You don’t have to haggle on everything. But haggle where it makes sense, and your pocketbook will thank you.

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他同意去履行他的午餐约会的那个餐馆对于他的小口袋来说真是太贵了。The restaurant to which he has agreed to take his luncheon date is far too expensive for his small pocketbook.

浪费电力会对地球和个人的健康带来后果,而且对你的钱袋也是一种负担。Wasting electricity carries both global and personal health consequences—and it's a burden on your pocketbook.

即使不为了其他的原因,为了钱包也可以说服你去减肥了吧。If for no other reason, this kind of hit to your pocketbook may be what it takes to convince you to lose weight.