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请把你的东西整齐地收好。Please put your things away tidily.

他的书籍整整齐齐地排列在书架上。His books were ranked tidily on the bookshelf.

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把一部电影的每一个画面都一律陈设到一个画面里。Put each frame of a movie tidily into one picture.

此外,就是摞得整整齐齐的五摞作文本。Besides, five composition notebook pile up tidily down there.

一件东西无论被归置得多么整洁,如果我根本不用它,干嘛还留着它?No matter how tidily a thing is stored, if I never use it, whykeep it?

然后就像这样把它们整齐地排列在一起,压平。Then put them together tidily like this and press them to make them smooth.

这是一个被吹制进瓶子中的世界,在顶部,玻璃整齐地收拢起来。Here is a world blown into a bottle, the glass tidily pinched off at the top.

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但这不可能总是如此平滑的描绘现实生活中发生的事物。But it's not always possible to capture what's happening in reality so tidily.

这些大块物质因不能完全被植物消化而腐烂。These bulk items can’t be tidily digested by the plant and so tend to putrefy.

但愿孩子们不再乱扔衣服,而是把它们整齐地存放起来。I wish the children would stop flinging their clothes about,but put them away tidily.

施工人员着装整齐,遵守劳动纪律及各项规章制度。All workers should dress tidily and comply with labor rules and all relevant regulations.

打开这扇门后便进入一个被印花棉布和橡木装饰得非常整洁的起居室。The door gave access to a tidily furnished sitting-room where chintz and oak predominated.

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我叫她把衣服整齐地放好,可是她只是胡乱地把它们扔在角落里。I asked her to put her clothes away tidily but she just threw them in the corner any old how.

肌肉器官迅速消融,骨架如乾柴倒下,没有任何血滴,血液煮沸发散,灵魂也直堕地狱。Bones fall like dry sticks. There's no blood there. It boils away and the soul goes tidily to Hell.

结果谷胱甘肽组耳蜗三排外毛细胞呈V字型排列有序。Results OHCs of group A arranged tidily in three rows and showed characteristic V-arranged stereocilia.

救援物资被整齐的摆放在广场外侧,正在有序发送。Outside the square were the relief materials, neatly and tidily piled up there, being distributed orderly.

当我们进入这所新学校时,我们仍然是孩子,我们不能把我们的寝室打扫干净和整洁。When we got into the new school, we were still children. We couldn't clean our dormitory neatly or tidily.

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美丽的巴洛克建筑,整齐地坐落,石桥从河面横跨。They are florid and fresh. The Baroque-style buildings repose tidily . A stone bridge crosses above the river.

负责检查仓管人员的工作质量,保证仓库物料摆放科学,整齐,有序,环境整洁,美观。Responsible for the working quality of the warehouse employees, ensure to put the materials tidily and orderly.

最后,骗子可能会在别人怎么看待他们上面大做文章,比如,表现得非常友好,穿戴整洁等等。Finally, the liar may work hard to manage how others perceive them, for example by being friendly, dressing tidily and so on.