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酒窖可酿造白葡萄酒、桃红葡萄酒和红葡萄酒。The bodega makes white, rosé, and red wines.

该酒窖拥有现代化的酿酒设备。The Bodega has modern winemaking installations.

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你们认为我可以回到家来经营杂货铺?And you think I can just come home and run the bodega ?

此外,自2001年起,该酒窖种植了100公顷有机葡萄园。Furthermore, since 2001 The bodega cultivate 100 Ha of Organic vineyards.

我们在加利福尼亚州北部租了一栋小屋,小屋坐落在一条河上,与玻底加湾相距不远。We rented a little cottage on a river up in northern California, near Bodega Bay.

已经有计划在圣莫里茨牛栏和博德加在西班牙北部。There are already plans for a cowshed in St Moritz and a bodega in northern Spain.

真相是,弗兰克·盖里是彼特在贝弗利山庄的别墅—一座诺曼底风格豪宅中的酒窖的设计者。It was Gehry who designed the bodega in Pitt's Normandy-style Beverly Hills chateau.

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这在当时的宣传中是随处可见的,购买还是同自动贩卖机争论。It was available at a moment's notice, purchased at a bodega or wrangled from a vending machine.

南达科他州的建筑师进来,恢复了历史博德加轿车和其他几个戴德伍德建筑物。South Dakota architect came in and restored the historic Bodega Saloon and several other Deadwood buildings.

在南方臭氧派克里,在一位酒窖主人在星期一在抢劫期间在脸被射击的地方,店主们现在假定最糟。In South Ozone Park, where a bodega owner was shot in the face duringarobbery Monday, shopkeepersthesedays assume the worst.

在南方臭氧派克里,在一位酒窖主人在星期一在抢劫期间在脸被射击的地方,店主们现在假定最糟。In South Ozone Park, where a bodega owner was shot in the face during a robbery on Monday , shopkeepers these days assume the worst.

某一天——我记得应该就是袭击发生之后的第二天——我走进一家小杂货店买东西,排队结账时我前面有个老年妇女。One day—I think it was the day after the attacks, actually—I went into a bodega to buy something, and there was an elderly woman ahead of me.

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接下来,斯坦福带着他的观众——这一次,是我——慢步走向豪斯休湾,崎岖不平的博迪加角海岸线的一处凹口。Next, Sanfordleads his audience—in this case, me—on the short walk to Horseshoe Cove, another indentation in the rugged shoreline of Bodega Head.

博德嘉曼纽斯为智利卡莎维迪酒庄旗下的主力葡萄酒品牌之一,除在智利本土销售外,并外销至英国、美国及日本。Bodega Manriquez is one of the main brands of Casaverdi, a wine company of Chile. Besides the distribution in Chile, the wines are exported to England, America and Japan.

但讽刺的是,超市的价格往往比本地零售商的价格还低-一盒麦片的价格可以比超市贵40%。The irony is that supermarkets are generally cheaper than other local retailers -- a box of Cheerios can be 40 percent more expensive at the bodega or the dokkan than at the megastore.

在冒险进入美国后,由于没有工作许可,她和家里亲戚住了一段时间,靠给人编辫子的微薄收入勉强度日,之后还在布朗克斯的一个酒窖里工作过。Havingentered the U.S. under dubious circumstances and without working papers, shelived with family members for some time, eking out an income braiding hair andthen working in a bodega in the Bronx.